YOURSAY | ‘As taxpayers, we are not obliged to swallow whatever you say.’

AG to cooperate with the Swiss? Yes, we believe him

AG Apandi says will cooperate with Swiss counterparts on 1MDB probe

yrsayagapandi yoursay-EnglishOdin Tajué: Attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali, don’t take us for fools and try to confuse the issue. The so-called donation was not – I repeat, was not – a donation and it has had to do with 1MDB. All of us who have functioning brains know that.

The bank transfer documents said ‘payment’. We also can deduce with at least 90 percent accuracy how the US$681 million had been obtained.

It is reported that apparently you have strongly urged the Swiss AG Michael Lauber to abandon his 1MDB-related investigation. Unfortunately for you, Lauber and the rest in the Swiss camp are not like you.

The end for you all draws nigh. The dragnet is closing in, with Switzerland and France breathing down your necks.

Your word, Apandi, is of equal value to your comrade-in-servitude Sirul Azhar Umar’s – which is zero.

You can say whatever you like about the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s report, how you have studied it, and what the media should or should not do, but it is an exercise in imbecilic futility for you.

You have zero credibility, a man despised and rejected by all right-thinking people.

Basically: Save it, Apandi. No one believes you and as taxpayers, we are not obliged to swallow whatever you say. You were appointed in the midst of a probe that was subsequently scuttled.

You were also appointed by one who had no authority to appoint you since he is implicated in the probe. That’s two minus points.

If Najib is clean as you have proclaimed, then the proper procedure would have been for him to step out of office during the probe. Wielding his authority to change the AG is already an infringement of good practice and a damning sign of something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Pemerhati: Apandi said, “We look forward to receiving the findings of their investigations and materials through the normal channels. These materials will then be reviewed, alongside the findings of other relevant authorities and our own investigations, to determine the appropriate course of action.”

Going by Apandi’s past actions in protecting Najib, it would be safe to predict that just as in the Altantuya Shaariibuu case, where the mastermind of the murder was protected by the authorities, in this case too Apandi will most probably look for some ‘Sirul’, ‘Azilah’, etc. to take all the blame and protect the real crook.

Vijay47: Apandi, but before you embark on your holy mission to cooperate with the Swiss authorities, perhaps you can share with us one small matter – why did you allegedly tell the Zurich AG to lay off the investigation into 1MDB?

Perhaps you were using your clairvoyant talents and had already established that 1MDB and the whole kitchen sink were clear of any illegal activities.

Hang Babeuf: “Any attempt by media organisations to conflate the two sets of investigations is irresponsible and prejudicial,” said Apandi.

And any suggestion of a connection between turning open a tap and water then flowing from it is purely perverse.

Of course, once you treat the two incidents (or related parts of the same sequence) as totally separate events, you have obscured – and effected a neat cover-up of – all significant questions of causality, intention and responsibility. Is that his intention?

Negarawan: Unbeknown to the Swiss and other foreign investigators, Apandi’s definition of ‘cooperation’ is limited to telling them that there is no case against the perpetrators.

These investigators will soon realise that trying to get any fact and evidence from the Malaysian authorities is futile. The facts and evidence would somehow be ‘leaked’ through whistleblowers. This is the Malaysian way.

Gerard Lourdesamy: The AG ought to advise the government to publish a White Paper in the Dewan Rakyat to explain his reasons for not prosecuting Najib over the issue of the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ (now said to be RM4 billion) and the RM42 million from SRC International in order to protect the integrity, credibility and reputation of the office of the AG, the PM and the government.

Let there be a public debate in Parliament. The AG does not have absolute powers under Article 145(3) of the federal constitution to the extent that it can be misused or abused without scrutiny by the courts. Being a discretionary power it ought to be subjected to judicial review.

Let the Federal Court decide on this point of law. If the Malay rulers are subjected to the law and can be sued or prosecuted in the Special Court, why can’t the AG?

Kingfisher: The Swiss AG has indicated ‘violations’ as reasons for investigations. Separate or otherwise, the emphasis of the probe is on violations and the local debacle so far we are informed has also in a sense been on reports of violations in accepting and utilising deposits.

Violations pertain to any number or manner infringements by wilful action on established rules and regulations, is it not? Of course, our AG is no lesser a professional and the Swiss will have to focus on violations that impinge on their banking laws.

Our AG has already pronounced on the local investigations on some alleged infringements as identified by the MACC and this has, as is common knowledge now, generated a contentious public debate.

N1: Hopefully, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) will come out with their statement since the Swiss already issued theirs. The world will not condone such blatant abuse of public funds by an allegedly corrupt leader.

Anonymous #19098644: Apandi, start by cooperating with the MACC and Bank Negara. Start by implementing the recommendations of the MACC and Bank Negara.

Be true to your oath of office. Be true to the teachings of Islam to uphold the truth and do good. Punish the wrongdoers. Perhaps then you can redeem yourself as a professional, a good citizen and a good Muslim.

Tan Kim Keong: Apandi, SRC was a subsidiary of 1MDB. A sum of RM42 million was transferred from SRC to PM Najib Razak’s private accounts. How is it possible that investigations did not include 1MDB?

Unspin: By saying that the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ and 1MDB are two separate issues, it looks like the AG is setting the stage to allow a few sacrificial goats to be led to the slaughter – while he continues to protect and shield the PM from harm.

My prediction is that the first sacrificial goat will be flamboyant tycoon Jho Low. If that happens, it is not too bad because that goat is fat and arrogant.

Speaking Sense: Don’t hold your breath for the outcome of this ‘cooperation’. For the AG, unless yellow balloons are involved, it will be clear no crime has been committed.



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