YOURSAY | ‘Why don’t you and Anwar bury the hatchet and work together?’

Dr M, try burying hatchet with Anwar for starters


Dr M: No surrender in battle against Najib

yrsaymandaCQ Muar: Dr Mahathir Mohamad, you were solely responsible for picking your protege, Najib Abdul Razak, and now you are encountering a problem to unseat him. Among all those Umno potentials, you singled him out; ‘dressed’ him up and now unable to undress him?

Isn’t what Najib doing now something you had bequeathed to your party members, particularly those leaders and ministers in the past? They are precisely emulating and rubbing off those lessons you had taught them in your twenty-two years as PM, and now Najib is discharging those lessons he learned from you.

Najib was your second major miscalculation and disaster – preceded by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Therefore, you ought to admit you’d failed in your foresight and judgment.

Nevertheless, we hope you’d henceforth restore your reputation and make amend. Only this time we hope you’d deliberate sensibly and right the wrong for the sake of the rakyat, and put the nation back on the right track.

Clever Voter: Interestingly, both characters share similarities in styles and behaviours. One obvious difference is that one removes his tracks better, the other always at risk of being caught.

Hopeful123: Dr Mahathir. Keep up the good fight. Although many Malaysians may not agree with you on many things of the past and present, rest assured that this particular saga will see the support of many Malaysians as they are fed up of the innumerable nonsense that have been going on for quite sometime.

There doesn’t seem to be an end to the suffering of the rakyat. The government just doesn’t seem to care a damn about the people. The leaders are spewing nonsense day after day.

The plan to bring in 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers issue is the latest one where the leaders are trying to justify the move against the interests of the citizens. Enough is enough.

Sinan Belawan: Everything goes back to you, Dr Mahathir. In 1987 you mercilessly used the Internal Security Act (ISA) to detain without trial environmentalists, gender activists, consumerists, academics, etc. Please explain, how did the work of these people go against the country?

Anonymous #59879079: Dr M, am sure you have an ace up your sleeve. Show it now as the gloves are off and it’s now personal as your family has been dragged into the fracas. Show no mercy.

Sadujumat: Dr M, there is one thing you have in common with your once nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim. Both have backbone that is hard as steel – unbendable. Even in the face of imprisonment, Anwar did not back down. Twice he went to prison.

The same with Dr M. At 90 plus, he still fights without letting up even when threatened with sedition. For Malaysia’s sake, why don’t you and Anwar bury the hatchet and work together? After all, in politics, there shouldn’t be any permanent enemies. Now is the time to make real this metaphor.

Mahathir’s prophecy – Bashah will not succeed as MB

Negarawan: Well, Mahathir, the question is whether you had been a successful PM yourself? Malaysia has become a failed state largely because of your own failures and wrongdoings during your tenure, which obviously have been followed by your hand-picked successors.

You are nothing compared to former Singapore PM Lee Kuan Yew. Lee gained the highest respect from Singaporeans and the international community for his integrity and leadership.

Do you think you can achieve the same status in your remaining lifetime? Do you still have time to reverse all the damage you have caused to the social fabric of Malaysia, the education system, the independence of key government institutions especially the judiciary?

6th Generation Immigrant: Former Umno minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil lost in the elections, yet she is still appointed to several positions today. There are any more similar to Shahrizat – today, yesterday and all along – and this is the work of prime ministers past and present. So what’s new?

It was wrong, it is wrong and it shall be wrong to appoint people already voted out by the rakyat -self-centred BN and Umno politics all the way. This is a clear indication of politicians not in sync with the rakyat.

Liew Lean Kut: The statement should be the pot calling the kettle black! He allegedly compromised all the institution in the country, so another one does not make any difference, the only difference is that the money of the people is being sucked dry!

Anonymous_1421406986: Let us turn the question on you, how much have you contributed to the success of Malaysia? You just do not build lifeless monumental structures to claim to be successful.

The success of a leader is determined by how he has united his nation of people, how he has succeeded in promoting the national interest of the country, in areas of education, human development and preparing his people to accept and face the challenges of the new world.

As a leader you have failed in all these areas, leaving a nation that is disjointed and divided. You have destroyed the uniting foundation laid by the great Tunku Abdul Rahman, our adored first prime minister. Let us see how the future generations will grade you as the PM.

It is a wake-up call for new Kedah MB Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah to prove his worth, not just to rest on his laurels. Get your politicians to meet the people to understand their thinking and needs. You don’t need education to be a great leader, but purity of thought and good intentions for the people, regardless of race and religion.

SusahKes: “Can we trust him to do a good job?” Well, I thought the boss was more interested in loyalty, than in IQ. Don’t worry; if Bashah loses Kedah, I’m sure he’ll be looked after.

Anonyxyz: Umno-BN has failed Malaysia for the past few decades, so what’s new?



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