YOURSAY | ‘Why would anyone in his right mind would want to give a donation to Sirul?’

Who would want to help a convicted murderer?

‘Who’s paying for detained murderer Sirul’s bills?’

yrsayhelpconvictDont Just Talk: This is a very pertinent question posed by The Weekend Australian newspaper.

Who is paying for convicted murderer, former police special forces officer Sirul Azhar Umar’s expenses in Australia? Did it come from a foundation or people who have an interest in Sirul remaining in Australia?

Sirul should be shipped back to this country to face the music for the hideous crime that he has committed.

Bulls**tWalks & Money Talks: Of course, everyone will deny it. Isn’t it obvious who is paying for his expenses?

Who would want to help a convicted murderer?

Ourvotesdecide: Why are the Malaysian authorities not at all interested to find out from the convicted murderers – Sirul and Azilah Hadri – who directed or ordered them to kill the innocent Mongolian lady whom they never met, and with whom they had no grudge at all?

The mastermind(s) who allegedly engaged them to kill Altantuya Shaariibuu, are equally guilty of the crime or murder committed, and therefore ought to be punished like the convicted murderers themselves.

By merely going after Sirul and Azilah and not the mastermind(s) of the murder, the Malaysian authorities are giving the mastermind(s) the chance to repeat their heinous crime in future against whoever they dislike.

This exposes all Malaysians to the continued danger of being killed at any time by alleged assassins hired by the mastermind(s) of Altantuya’s murder.

Anonymous #21828131: It all points to weaknesses in the Australian government, too. Cash is king.

A person wielding billions can make people think black is white. That amount can easily buy the entire suburb of Villawood and its surroundings.

The Australians should get to the bottom of this issue to maintain their squeaky clean image and reveal the truth to all Malaysians.

In the first place, how could a convicted murderer enter the shores of Australia?

Wg321: It is almost two weeks already. Where is the video where Sirul said will expose five people who wanted him to implicate PM Najib Razak in the Altantuya’s murder?

Why is it taking so long? Has he chickened out?

LBS: The Australian government and the Australians are fools to get involved in this case. They are wasting their time, manpower and money to maintain this murderer in their jail.

What they should have done was to kick out this convicted murderer out of their country immediately after he was arrested. Now they have to feed him every day and see to his health.

Sleepy: Indeed, irrespective where the video “location” is found to be, the real fools are the Australian people for being taken advantage of legally, to enable this piece of political propaganda to take place.

Appum: Can Sirul’s Malaysian lawyers tell us if taxpayers’ money is being used to pay Sirul’s bills?

Anonymous #21828131: With all this open evidence, even a Form Four kid can put two and two together.

Isn’t this all new evidence for the IGP (inspector-general of police) to pursue this case until the real murderer is apprehended and charged?

Kit P: The Australian newspaper should know that Malaysia is the land of limitless possibilities, if you have the support of the right people.

When even a RM2.6 billion donation can be sorted out, Sirul’s legal expenses are just small change.

Roguekiller: Money just don’t fall from the sky, at least not on to a sinful murderer. How are his bills settled?

Obviously, there is a hidden hand who ordered him to kill the innocent woman whom he hardly knew, who is now seeing to his necessities and requirements.

Thus, a series of video clips are made of him spreading propaganda as a diversion to shield the real killer.

Sans Prejudice: A convicted murderer gets VVIP treatment in an Australian detention centre whereas our political detainees are shoved into filthy cells. The Australian bleeding hearts are spending their taxpayers’ money to shelter and feed him.

A nice ‘diplomatic’ arrangement for a miserable man hoping for a reprieve by issuing irrelevant statements but avoiding the burning question – the answer of which we have been waiting for.

As for his financial status, let’s not crack our heads over it. A five-year-old can figure it out.

Headhunter: The circumstantial evidence pointing to his being financed by the real murderer is a no-brainer. He was paid to kill and now he’s in a position to demand his pound of flesh.

It looks like he’s going for more than a pound, though. This man can live in luxury for life if he can get out of detention.

Martha: Sirul is no Mat Sabu so why would anyone in his right mind would want to give a donation to him? This is puzzling.

Pemerhati Bebas: Najib is telling the truth. I believe him. He did not know Altantuya, just as he did not know the RM42 million in his account came from SRC International, which is a company under his Finance Ministry.

How can anyone doubt him? He is the prime minister. It is just not kosher for the premier of a God-fearing nation to lie.



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