YOURSAY | ‘Thank goodness, the PM can speak for himself.’

If PM can comment on sultan’s handshake, why not RM2.6b?



yrsayhandshakeNajib on Johor Sultan ‘snub’: I drank tea, rode in car driven by him

Ericlcc: The PM can comment on a non-issue like that of a handshake but the mother of all issues, such as 1MDB and RM2.6 billion ‘donation’, he is elegantly silent.

The people expect Najib to speak up loud and clear on these mega issues that affect our integrity and economy, not some petty personal issues.

Get it, Najib? You are PM, not an ordinary MP.

The Mask: Thank goodness, the PM can speak for himself. Everyone was wondering whether someone has cut his tongue off on all important issues.

Asitis: Yes, on this petty issue he can reply so quickly and confidently. But on 1MDB, he keeps hesitating, and says he would sue the Wall Street Journal, but still there is no action.

Straight-Talk: Which version is right? The video showing the snub by the sultan to Najib or Najib’s testimony that he indeed rode in the car driven by the sultan?

Vijay47: Normal etiquette demands that when two gentlemen meet, they shake hands and again when they part.

The second time they do it, no one sane assumes that one or the other is crazy. However, this ritual can be dispensed with when one of the two is not a gentleman.

Wira: It’s kind of strange that there was a total absence of eye contact in the video even if they had met earlier in another event.

Minister Ahmad Maslan also received the same cold treatment. As long as his Royal Highness chooses to remain silent, we are inclined to take the PM’s explanation with a pinch of salt.

Boonpou: Who cares if Najib and the Johor sultan indeed do shake hands?

What is more important, besides all these PR-managed messages and what naught, is how to bring the ringgit back to the level where it once was prior to mid-2015, and to prevent goods and services from inflating more and more.

These are what truly matters to us rakyat rather that this or that stupid issues regarding handshakes and what naught. Fellow Malaysians, get your priorities straighten up, will ya?

Legit: It is absolutely shameful for a prime minister of this country to justify why he did or did not shake hands with the sultan.

Whatever the truth is, that people can make an issue of this episode is utterly embarrassing for Najib.

This is the level his image has gone down to where people are laughing over a small incident such as this. But again, this man has crocodile skin so it doesn’t bother him.

Adenan says sorry over ‘new Iban wife for Najib’ joke

6th Generation Immigrant: I think Muslim women and even all non-Muslim women should be offended by Sarawak CM Adenan Satem’s joke, asking Najib get a new Iban wife.

The unconscious thought behind the joke, and very common too, is just that – all Muslim men can and shall marry more than one but less than four wives at any one time and easily, but they always state it without the proviso of if, buts and terms and conditions added to that argument.

This is a form of obvious sexual harassment against women and from the top echelon men leaders, including the ones laughing at the joke.

Anonymous 122461436161429: There is a saying that while joking, the truth comes out. Adenan’s joke shows his views of Iban women and his mentality. Both cheap and crass.

I am surprised that the Sarawak people look up to this man as he is nothing more than an Umno lackey like all the rest – do small things to keep the stupid crowd happy while the big issues of corruption, land grabs, logging by a selected few, etc, go on as business as usual.

Wake up Sarawak or are you lulled by Adenan’s lullaby?

Vijay47: Not that I am an admirer of Adenan but what he said was something stated in the gaiety of the moment, it is always good to be seen sharing personal jokes with the boss.

When it is read in a completely different atmosphere, it can seem to be offensive both to gender and community.

Thus Adenan’s suggestion to Najib is a frivolous comment that like the Firefly advertisement featuring bottoms, should not be made into a mountain.

Having served in East Malaysia, I can say that Sarawak and Sabah ladies are the most exquisite and feminine of women. For them to marry an oaf like Najib would be totally beneath their elegant disposition.

Fairnsquare: I do not think it was meant to offend or insult anyone, but just one of the CM’s jokes. His apology sounds genuine enough and the issue should not be politicised too much.

JD Lovrenciear: “Even the prime minister himself was laughing. He knew it was meant as a joke.” So says the CM of Sarawak of our PM.

Don’t these leaders have any decency in their hearts? The PM already has a legal spouse. How can you, in public, “joke” about taking another woman as a wife?

And the PM was “laughing”? Gosh!



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