YOURSAY | ‘There’s no way PM’s wife Rosmah could have financed Riza with her life savings.’

How did Riza get so rich? Surely, not another donation

Najib, explain how your stepson amassed colossal wealth

yrsaysorichyoursay-EnglishKim Quek: Member of parliament Tony Pua is virtually accusing PM Najib Razak of “completely guilty of corruption and abuse of power” and he backs it up by citing The Wall Street Journal’s categorical allegations of the quantum and dates of transfers of colossal amounts of funds from 1MDB to Najib’s stepson Riza Aziz’s company via intermediaries.

Faced with such grave and explicit allegations, Najib has no option but to sue WSJ or alternatively come up with evidence to demonstrate Riza’s enormous wealth was legitimately earned.

Failing which, he would have forfeited the legitimacy of his premiership and lost the moral authority to rule the country. And his sycophantic ministers should also henceforth cease to babble meaningless excuses to prop up their fallen leader.

Mushiro: There is no way Riza could have bought the real estates in New York and Los Angeles as well as finance the ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ with his own money.

There is no way his mother, Rosmah Mansor, could have financed him with her life savings, even if she had started to do so from young. And there is no way Najib could have financed Riza with his own money or even his ‘inheritance’ money.

The time frame and situation show the money was most likely from 1MDB. So there is no need for any further drama or for another ‘donation’ story.

1Citizen: I have calculated that if I had saved every single ringgit I earned during the nearly 40 years of serving the government and corporations during my lifetime, the total would not amount to RM10 million.

How does this young man amass his wealth over a few years of employment?

Ah Hoe: Isn’t Riza an adult? Why is Najib responsible for his actions? Pua is just targeting Najib on an issue that technically and legally is not Najib’s responsibility.

That is, unless Pua can prove a link between Riza’s spending and Najib. Speculations and suspicions don’t count as proof. And until Pua can do so, he should shut up.

David Yeap: Any issue regarding 1MDB has been manipulated by the opposition. But actually not many people believe their stories. The latest proof of this is Sarawak voters.

RahmatAugustus: It is only a matter of time before everything is exposed. Umno’s cybertroopers need to be patient. Eventually Switzerland and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will reveal their findings.

See how strategic and smart the Singapore investigators are? They quietly conducted their investigations and when it is time to charge, they made the announcement.

They round up all the smaller crooks at the lower rungs of the food chain first without making a big splash about 1MDB.

Instead of making news in the media, they focus on charging their own citizens involved in the scandal first.

Switzerland and FBI are currently keeping it quiet until they lay the charges. It is a matter of time. So Umno cybertroopers, be patient, the evidence is coming.

Kingfisher: Najib’s very recent and a very reasonable claim that 70 years of Umno’s protection and promotion of the legitimate rights of the Malays has lifted them out of poverty, should be also viewed in the context of the glaring disparity of wealth and the acquisition of wealth disproportionate to one’s legitimate means of earning a livelihood amongst some Umno leaders or for that matter any other communities.

And given the dubious circumstances concerning the legitimacy of Riza’s huge wealth, as reported, one is also left wandering if such cases are also a consequence of the power and persuasion of Umno.

Headhunter: What makes them so confident that such a colossal amount of stolen money can be hidden away forever?

In lawless Malaysia, perhaps it is possible if you are holding the levers of power. But not outside the country, where laws are respected and applied fairly.

Ali Tinju: Sungai Besar Umno chief threatened to kill me

Anonymous 122461436161429: And there we have it. Umno thugs in all their splendour and glory.

The type that Najib loves, needs and protects. The type that think they are allowed to run our country this way.

Both of them and the rest of the Umno thugs – their guns, their red shirts and their butts – should be put away as they are a disgrace to the human race.

AliFamily: Now the police must charge either one of them for making a false report, it can’t be both are right.

For Ali Tinju, you can always go to Jamal Md Yunos’ house to do your butt dance, and bring your Low Yat thugs along.

Negarawan: “I would like to tell Jamal, if I – Najib’s general – dies, who would be left to take care of (the prime minister’s wife) Rosmah Mansor and Najib?” Ali Tinju said.

Can Najib and Rosmah confirm that they are paying Ali Tinju for his “services”?

Rupert16: Ali Tinju considers himself as Najib’s general? My toes are laughing. For one thing, a decent general will not show his butt in public. The fact is Ali Tinju (and Jamal) are both Najib’s stooges.

Hello: The ‘generals’ are fighting each other; this is the beginning of the end.



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