YOURSAY | ‘We would not have such mischief 10 years ago. Clearly, it tells you BN is seriously worried.’

The making of the DAP-Chinese bogeyman


Kit Siang denounces fake cabinet list, flattered to be named PM

yrsaychinesebogeySans Prejudice: Aside from the list being allegedly drawn up and circulated by an Umno blogger to scare the wits out of the simple rural Malays, the flip side to this absurdity and the moot question here is, is Umno beginning to believe it may lose in the impending GE14?

Hence, opening a false front and making DAP the bogeyman should, hopefully, in their mind fix the problem of losing Malay support.

In all sincerity, the component members of this ‘cabinet’ are just the type of personalities we should aspire for – intelligent and knowledgeable and professional personalities, versus the bunch of alleged clowns Umno has been offering.

Clever Voter: We would not have such mischief 10 years ago. Clearly, it tells you BN is seriously worried. The opposition has to present its credibility as the alternative choice. Not an easy thing to do but not impossible.

Most will laugh at the fake cabinet list but on a closer look, we do have a serious dearth of talent on both sides in forming a credible government. But there is nothing to stop the use of private sector leaders who can lead and who meet the integrity and credibility test.

ABC123: We may dismiss this as stupid, and indeed it is stupid. But the tragic truth is that this kind of rubbish actually works with the rural Malays.

Many of the rural Malays will see this and believe it, that is the sad truth. The only way to save Malaysia is through educating and exposing the Malays in the heartlands.

Thickskin: This list has educated, cultured, well-informed, respected, honest and God-fearing individuals, unlike the present government.

1malaysia2perak3katak: Wrong, it should be Nurul Izzah Anwar as PM and Rafizi Ramli as DPM, Lim Guan Eng as finance minister, the old folk can be advisers.

Justice Fairness: It’s interesting that the posters they show are high resolution print. If they had been shared on WhatsApp or Facebook, the resolution would have been much lower. They must have the original master copy then.

Anonymous 2410591459862040: They should sent out another fake cabinet list with PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang as PM, MCA chief Liow Tiong Lai as DPM, MIC boss Dr S Subramaniam as home minister and so on. That will be fun.

RCZ: I hope this comes true. Then, the next step is to draw pictures of the current cabinet with vertical lines drawn over their pictures to supposedly depict jail and show them behind bars.

Anonymous #64627787: The giveaway that it’s a badly-thought-out job by Umno cybertroopers and its Komunikasi Dan Hal Ehwal Kaum Cina department.

They want to malign DAP so badly that the propaganda is unbelievable. It’s a pity that there are people who might fall into this kind of badly thought-out propaganda.

Wandering Star: Congratulations, Gelang Patah MP Lim Kit Siang. No longer do we have to be stressed out by an allegedly corrupt Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) as head of the nation.

But it is just a dream. A Chinese will never be a PM, nor will he or she have the desire to be one.

Court fixes 34 days in 2017 for Guan Eng’s graft case

Mushiro: The standards set for Penang CM Lim Guan Eng and the standards set for Umno leaders are glaringly different.

It is ironic that Guan Eng is subjected to stricter rules considering the amount involved compared to Umno leaders.

This seems to make a mockery of justice. It is also convenient for Umno to use this on-going case as a campaign issue for the coming general election (GE).

Anonymous Hotplate: The real wrongdoers and thieves have been denying stealing taxpayers’ money and banking it into their own accounts and purchasing huge mansions in the US.

The authorities are allegedly deaf, dumb and blind about such huge corruption and theft of the decade, while here, a man who bought a medium-sized bungalow with his own money by negotiating with his friendly buyer is charged in a court that talks about volumes of documents.

The Analyser: The rakyat have already forgotten about 1MDB. It’s only the Chinese who are still obsessed with revenge.

Another thing you maybe haven’t noticed is that PM Najib Abdul Razak is riding high at the moment. This long drawn-out business of Guan Eng’s trial is a strategy to gain maximum coverage of his principles, or rather lack of them.

I’ll still stand by my opinion that Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be in control of DAP sooner rather than later. It’s pretty clear that Bersatu has, like his Citizen’s Declaration, turned out to be a white elephant.

So the next best thing to do is to hijack another party, and the only party of any substance is DAP. With no philosophy and a weak leader, DAP will be a walk-over.

The irony is that DAP has the same mentality as former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad – selfishness and greed. However, there are still a few Chinese left with principles so that Mahathir’s takeover will leave DAP gutted.

As is so often the case, Umno’s ‘enemies’ destroy themselves before the Umno destruction plan can run its full course.

Oscar Kilo: Thirteen thousand pages and 35 volumes of documents? All for the purchase of a bungalow?

Retnam: Normally, if the evidence is clear, it will be at the most two pages. Thirteen thousand pages could mean there is no evidence. So they allegedly have to goreng, goreng and goreng.

Anonymous 2401191456463140: How many millions of pages and volumes of documents if it were 1MDB on trial?

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