YOURSAY | ‘What process is Johari talking about? Process to ‘cover up’ the scandal further?’

1MDB-linked bankers found guilty, but what about the recipient

Conviction of Jho Low’s ex-banker is ‘very good’, says Johari

yrsaybsiguiltyyour say1Ryan: The conviction of Singapore bankers has proven that someone in 1MDB did sign the paper to approve the transfer of funds and those convicted bankers only helped 1MDB to do the alleged money laundering.

So, Finance Minister II Johari Abdul Ghani, please stop pretending to be stupid for a minute, and tell us who in 1MDB authorised the transfer of funds?

Was it MO1 (Malaysian Official 1)?

Anonymous #44199885: Johari calls the conviction of Singapore banker Yeo Jiawei good news, as he does about action taken against financial institutions implicated in the 1MDB corruption scandal.

But he fails to note or seemingly fails to note that no action has been taken by Malaysian authorities to safeguard the public’s interest and public funds, and further continues to perpetuate the myth that the monies in Najib’s accounts at AmBank originated from Arab donors despite clear statements to the contrary by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Action is being taken by foreign countries to safeguard the integrity of their institutions and government, but in Malaysia, our government seems intent to sacrifice the same integrity of our institutions for the benefit not of the nation, but for one individual, who is not only at the centre of the storm, but the creator of it as well.

With this attitude, who in their right mind would invest in Malaysia? They might as well give their money to Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe.

Dont Just Talk: Johari, while it is very good for the Singapore government to charge the three BSI bank officers for a scam linked to 1MDB, it would be better if the Malaysian government can emulate Singapore by charging those untouchables involved, starting with PM Najib Razak’s stepson Riza Aziz and businessman Jho Low.

Clever Voter: Both individuals sentenced in Singapore are part of a supply chain of events that started here. Yet there has been no action here apart from a low key fine imposed on a bank.

No wonder the country is in the wrong half of the good governance standings. That is a major reason why confidence level in the ringgit is low.

However, there will be no shortage of similar rogue states that will invest here. But if this turns out to be the case, why bother with anti-corruption and transparency.

Tommy: “That’s it. So as far as Malaysia is concerned, we are going through the process,” said Johari. Another ‘bangang’ (idiotic) minister. What process is he talking about? Process to ‘cover up’ further?

GMK: Indeed, what process is Johari talking about? Don’t assume we are stupid and keep answering questions with nonsense.

Bluemountains: Clearly, some Umno ministers think Malaysians are stupid. If bankers in Singapore have been found guilty of helping in a crime that had been committed, when will those who executed the crime be charged? We are referring to those from Malaysia.

Rick Teo: A stupid comment from a stupid minister. Why are all investigation of 1MDB done by overseas agencies?

And meanwhile, what have our own agencies been doing? Is everything hunky dory in 1MDB? Nothing missing and its money all intact? Please don’t fool the rakyat.

Ng Jooi Eing: Bankers have been jailed. So, when will the recipients of the money meet the same fate?

Syed Saddiq: RM10k Najib handed me will go to fined UM students

FellowMalaysian: Top national debater Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman’s unreserved donation of his national cash award to the activists from Universiti Malaya (UM) who were suspended recently should be commended rather than denigrated, as he has selflessly supported a righteous cause in the defence of democratic rights.

Regardless of who he received the cash award from, Syed Saddiq’s generous contribution showed his empathy towards the four students who have been unjustly handed severe punishments.

UM student activist Anis Syafiqah Md Yusof is our gleaming hope of becoming the next generation of leaders who have the courage to speak out against corrupt rulers.

Dont Just Talk: Hopefully, those student activists who took part in the Tangkat MO1 rally will return to the kampung and rural areas to spread the news about how 1MDB had been scammed of billions of ringgits by the untouchables.

Share with them that the Singapore government has jailed three private bank investment officers and why BSI Bank’s licence had been cancelled. Yet sadly, nothing of the sort seems to have happened in Bolehland.

Contributing the prize money of RM10,000 to the student activists who were charged for taking part in Tangkap MO1 is indeed a generous gesture from Syed Saddiq.

Kingfisher: This is a good initiative by a bright and committed young man who has much potential to show leadership with moral ethics in an environment where more mature and long standing leaders seem to have compromised on good values and national interest.

Retnam: Who pays Syed Saddiq’s salary? Or is he very rich in his own right?

Goldee: Retnam, who pays Syed Saddiq’s salary or whether he is rich in his own right is not the issue. The whole issue here is about freedom of speech and expression.

Instead of asking this, you should be asking our ministers the whereabouts of the 1MDB money, which belongs to all Malaysians, including you.

Sarawakian: Retnam, if Syed Saddiq works for the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), employing his debating skills defending and praising Najib, he will be a very rich man now.

Drngsc: Very good of you, Syed Saddiq. This is a step in the right direction.

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