Success of BERSIH 3.0 is important for Indians in Malaysia

-Senator Dr.S. Ramakrishnan, April 26, 2012


Malaysians of all walks of life gathered on July 2011 Bersih 2.0 rally to call for fair and free elections in Malaysia.
Despite the government threatening and warning the public not to attend the Bersih 2.0 gathering, about 30000 people gathered and outwitted the police and their road blocks.

The massive gatherings stunned the BN government. There was widespread clampdown with about 1000 people (me being one of them) were arrested and 6 PSM activists were detained before the rally.

Under pressure, the government then promised a slew of reform measures, which included the formation of the Parliamentary select committee (PSC) and the enactment of the highly-criticized Peaceful Assembly Act last year.
This law is now being used to deny Dataran Merdaka as venue for sit in protest.

The PSC went around the country listening to voter’s grievances and feedbacks from all over the country. The committee then tabled a report in parliament that fell short of the Bersih 2.0 demands.

The Bersih 2.0 demands were: clean the electoral roll, reform postal ballot, use of indelible ink, minimum 21 day’s campaign period, free and fair access to media, EC must perform its constitutional duty to act independently and impartially, act against allegation of vote buying and end gutter politics.

Election commission was giving all sorts of excuses except making the reforms needed. All these actions and excuses of government were clearly to procrastinate till the next election which will be called anytime soon. Election commission will ensure UMNO/BN win. 

The BN government showed its electoral reform hypocrisy and duplicity by amending the election laws by deleting Section 26 A (1) and (2) of the right of candidates and their representatives to be present to observe the registration of voters at polling stations.

There are credible evidence of phantom voters and double voting in the electoral list. Allegation of registration of foreign workers as Malaysian voters were not investigated and instead denied. Election commission which has been subservient to the BN government is unable to stand independently and conduct a fair and free election.       

Concerned citizens and organizers of Bersih 3.0 being frustrated at the lack of will and wish on the part of EC have called for last push for democracy by calling for a sit in protest in Dataran Merdeka on the 28th April.

Indians being one of the most deprived and marginalized groups should join hands with Bersih 3.0 to call for electoral reform. PM may come down claiming to redress Indian issues but the past 54 years of experience shows UMNO is racist and corrupted to the core.

Indians don’t want sweet words but fundamental basic rights to education, welfare, fairness and justice. All these were denied blatantly during UMNO/BN rule. UMNO/BN political hegemony brought rampant corruption, nepotism and racism into the civil service and political system.

BN has been winning elections with electoral roll infested with double voting and phantom voters depriving Malaysians their democratic rights. Free and fair election is in the best interest of Malaysians including the Indians.

Indians must not be silent and passive at this cross road of Malaysian history. Our presence in Bersih 3.0 will send a loud and clear message to the corrupted and racial regime that Indian Malaysians want their democratic rights and not pittance and goodies during elections.

We saw with our own eyes how Indians and other minorities were victimized by arrogant UMNO. Our children deserve a better future under the Malaysian sun. UMNO divides the races and rules this country. It’s time to join our Malay and Chinese brothers and sisters to bring about electoral reform in this country.

Tuesday (24/4/) mid-night I visited Dataran Merdeka to give my support along with the MP for Teluk Intan. I was surprised to see about 400 students and supporters of Bersih 3.0 already there. I thought to myself that if this is the sentiment than 28/4 will see the mother of all gatherings in Malaysia.

Malaysian Indians too must roll up their sleeves and go forward and support integrity, democracy and free and fair elections.

Mahatma Gandhi said “We must be the change we wish to see in the world”.

He also said “Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it”.

Let’s work towards a political transformation that is inclusive of all Malaysians. This is the moment to act. It’s now or never.