GE 13 PREDICTION: Opposition could bag 124 seats!

– N L Russel, April 29, 2013.

anwarThe date of Dissolution of Parliament on 3rd April, 2013, itself is regarded as “negative” from the numerological point of view. It indicates a “tectonic shift” towards the Change of the Government.  This would mean a different government.

The Day of Dissolution was a tsunami that swept the entire nation in a wave of respite  among Malaysian from all walks of life over the much awaited election/political uncertainties.

The nomination day, too, was an unfavourable day,  the day of 20th April, 2013 is a day of irreconcilable differences. For this reason it created much distrust, dismay and bitter rivalry within BN component parties and intense squabbling among the opposition members, especially on the seat sharing formula.

I believe, we may witness  significant swings in the Rakyats’ political moods rising from 22nd April till the election day.  And on the eve of elections – 4th May, the BN election machinery will be undermined by severe anxiety.

Based on my unique numerological calculations and astrological positioning of the planets on election day – the outcome is anticipated to be a major structural change of the government. This will be so given the effect of the Negative Cosmic energy released by the SUN and SATURN on 5th May.            

The planet SATURN’s exaltation position on the election day will undermine the SUN’s ability to support the Government of the Day to wade off1 um2 strong challenges. The planet SUN’s transition on 5th May will be peaking in collision with SATURN, which is again not favourable for the incumbent.

The final outcome

Provided that the elections are held in a healthy and a friendly environment, the outcome as per my analysis will be as follows:

Parliament: BN could get 98 seats and Opposition, 124 seats. ( please allow a margin of error between 3% to 5% )

The State: the opposition could sweep 6 states and the 7th State is likely to be Negeri Sembilan or Johor with a majority of 2 seats.

We can expect a minimum of 5 MPs to cross-over in favour of the opposition.

It is highly probable that with a minimum of 118 seats,  a completely different government will be formed, especially with cross-overs.

My interpretation and forecast of the election outcome, are based on researched data and  my study over 25 years.

Analysis of the forecast

This prediction is based on evidences of change that has taken place worldwide using my formula. The Numbers have vibrations and it brings about a natural change on or after the 48th year onwards.

The forthcoming change is obvious based on  date of Independence that is, 31st August 1957.

When you add 48 years( ie.1957 + 48 ) it comes to the year – 2005. At the same time, if you take into consideration, the formation of Malaysia in the year 1963 (1963 + 48 = 2011) – the Rakyat, were already clamouring for the CHANGE -“TUKAR” towards the end of 2011 itself.

The unforgettable incident – on 25th November, 2007 – the Hindraf protest was the first salvo for change. Malaysians were shocked by the protest and that was the first signal of dissatisfaction in recent years.The results of the 2008 election reinforced the change. The change has been dynamic, continuous and systemic.

Some recent changes that took place around the globe are: The President Fidel Castro of Cuba, stepped down  exactly on the 48th year of his rule.  The King of Nepal was assassinated on the 48th year of his reign and the Indian Congress Party was defeated just 48 years after independence.

In Myanmar, the Junta regime changed in 1962 an  and events are unfolding after the year 2010(the 48th year) with serious changes taking place.

22nd April, 2013 – Petaling Jaya.