Cops urged to probe Zahid’s admission of BN’s mob links

Minister Zahid, Ambiga1Ayer Keroh state assemblyperson Khoo Poay Tiong has lodged a police   report on BN’s alleged underworld links, based on the content of Home   Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s controversial speech in Malacca last  Saturday.   At one point during his speech, Zahid told the journalists present that he wished to speak off the record about how BN coalition parties – namely MIC, PPP, IPF, MCA and Gerakan – had attempted to interfere with the arrests of gangsters.   Since Zahid had made this request, Malaysiakini, which obtained a recording of his speech, honoured his request by excluding only this portion of the speech from our series of reports on theZahid8 event that were published yesterday.   But now that Khoo’s police report included a rough transcript of the contentious portion of the speech. Malaysiakini is reproducing Khoo’s transcript below, since the police report is now a public document.

Dulu gangster kena tangkap, akan dapat surat daripada pemimpin parti komponen Barisan Nasional atau wakil rakyat meminta untuk melepaskan gangster-gangster tersebut. Antara Parti komponen yang terlibat iaitu MIC, PPP, IPF, MCA, Gerakan. (Last time when gangsters get arrested, there will be letters from BN component party leaders or representatives asking to free the gangsters. Among the component parties involved were MIC, PPP, IPF, MCA and Gerakan).

The recording of this segment of the speech can be heard here.

Khoo said Zahid’s speech could be used as evidence to prove that political figures have been interfering with police work, which clearly goes against the law.   NONE“We also want the police to investigate what relationship there is between the gangsters and all these BN leaders,” Khoo (left) told Malaysiakini when contacted after lodging his report at the Ayer Keroh police station this morning.   Zahid’s controversial speech took place at the Malacca International Trade Centre, during an event billed as Majlis taklimat keselamatan bersama pemimpin masyarakat (Security briefing ceremony with community leaders), which was decorated with the federal and state government emblems on stage.   During his speech, Zahid described outlawed organisation Tiga Line as “friends” and advocated a “shoot first” policy when it came to crime fighting.
He also insinuated that the Chinese and Indians were responsible for many types of criminal activities.
Throughout his speech, Zahid was in a jovial mood and he frequently cracked jokes.
However, towards the tail end of his speech, he suddenly lashed out at the journalists present, chasing them out of the room and threatened to close down any newspaper that reported what he had said in his speech.

The unedited recording of Zahid’s speech in full can be heard here.