-M. Kulasekaran, February 8, 2014.

It is beyond doubt that what was done by the NGOs was criminal intimidation which warranted swift police action.
When asked why no action had been taken earlier despite the presence of police at the protest, Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Mohmad Salleh stressed that a report had to be lodged before police could begin a probe.
Mohmad‘s explanation is shocking and unacceptable. The Inspector General of Police must explain the failure of Police to act swiftly.
Equally shocking is the silence from the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib disappointed the nation when he remained silent for more than 3 weeks following the JAIS’s unconstitutional raid on Bible
Society of Malayisa in total disregard of Cabinet’s 10 point solution.

His long silence was unconscionable because he was pivotal to the 10-point agreement forged between the government and Christian leaders in 2011.
He caused more disappointment when he explained to the leaders of 40 Muslim groups on Jan 30 that he had kept silent on the “Allah” issue because he did not want to add fuel to the fire.
How can the leader holding the highest political office in the country manage crisis and issues by keeping silent?
It was certainly a bad and ridiculous excuse for his lack of courage to tackle the issue.
Malaysians shall now wait and see how long it will take him to speak up on the issue of criminal intimidation by the self styled “Council of Islamic NGOs” against Teresa Kok.
Will he finally break his silence after weeks with the ridiculous excuse that he has remained silent because he does not want to add fuel to the fire?
Najib is silent , because he wants more of this kind of incidents to happen , so that he will give a good reason to repeal the ISA again .
மௌன விரதம்…தொடர்கிறது.