YOURSAY ‘Khalid behaves as if the MB’s post belong to him.’

Khalid: Rodziah not axed, she may back me

PKR - Khalid defiance Anonymous#007: The court cannot uphold this (sacking) because it is against the very tenets of a democracy, and it is clearly an abuse of power and the law.

Can you imagine what would happen if all the leaders started to sack anyone and everyone who does not back them?

The provision to give leaders the power to sack is designed only to be applied in cases of clear misconduct by members.

The executive councillors who were sacked did not do anything wrong by choosing to support Selangor instead of the MB, who is being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

You do not support leaders or government per se, you support your country. Similarly, you do not fight for the government or leaders, you fight for your country.

Fairplayer: Is Khalid still the legitimate MB, despite his sacking as a PKR member? Can a sacked PKR member still hold on to his MB seat? Is the constitution so ‘sangkut’, and so easily manipulated by the crafty ones?

Multi Racial: Khalid behaves as if the MB’s post belong to him and he can hire and fire anyone he wishes to. He puts it as this – no loyalty to him, then you are fired. If you want to stay, you have to cooperate and obey.

In the first place, the MB no longer has to mandate to be the MB. He got his job through Pakatan Rakyat and either he stays loyal to Pakatan or he quits. There is no other option.

Baiyuensheng: Now I take offence at what Khalid said. Pakatan is not even a registered entity therefore it is not a Pakatan government? Huh?

Why say this type of things now, Khalid? What were you thinking when you joined ‘Pakatan Rakyat’ and took up the ‘Pakatan’ MB’s post? Tsk, tsk. Respect starting to go down for him.

Justice Kini: Khalid, you are considered a person who bit the fingers that feed you. Yes, Pakatan is not a registered entity. Why? Due to the Registrar of Societies (ROS) having not approved its registration over the years.

You can play the number games but three years down the line you will surely be out of favour with all who support you now. No way you can turn back time and the voter will be much wiser then.

Whatsup: Voters are furious. What can we do? Why are the rakyat always on the losing end despite having laws? Why? Why can’t we get rid of the devil we know?

Why are there so many people embracing the devil we know and depriving us of any chance to have a clean, fair and transparent government?

How come these people can get away with everything? Must our country become bankrupt before the change?

Shanandoah: The wheels of God grind slowly but they grind surely. Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim is only helping to that end. Voters in Selangor know what to do come any election, whether state or parliament.

Idiots who change sides can do only once, after that they become history for a better tomorrow. PKR is made up of so many such characters who can’t be trusted any more.

NewMalaysia: What is this PAS leadership thinking? If you cannot agreed and respect the Pakatan consensus, then just leave, why drag this on and allow Khalid and BN to humiliate your partners in Pakatan?

It’s already a conspiracy to twice postpone the PAS central committee meeting to allow such events to take place.

I suggest that PKR and DAP announce they will part ways with PAS until PAS has made its stand. The people cannot tolerate such an unprincipled PAS.

It’s shameful to have a partner in a coalition which has no qualms in hanging its other partners out to dry.

Waktamnoko: That’s it – Khalid’s divide and rule strategy. It’s beginning to bear fruit. He was very much smarter than Pakatan gave him credit for. Very much smarter than most Pakatan assemblypersons.

Everything depends on PAS this Sunday. If PAS says ‘yes’, Pakatan will be saved. If PAS says ‘no’, then that’s the end of Pakatan.

Fernz: If British Prime Minister David Cameron is sacked by the Conservative Party, can he go on to sack his cabinet ministers? Is that the Westminster model our so-called constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari is talking about?

When Julia Gillard was ousted as Labour Party chief by Kevin Rudd in Australia, she had to step down as prime minister, and Rudd returned as PM.

And if Cameron is sacked by the Conservative Party, will Queen Elizabeth tell him to carry on as prime minister?

FutureMalaysians: Oh my God, there is Perak in Selangor?

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