YOURSAY ‘Now Mr Police Chief, did you hear what the wise judge said?’

Yes, transgenders too are children of God


Appeals Court recognises rights of transgenders

Transgenders Vijay47: Finally, there should be some understanding and tolerance to our transgenders. We can now expect a lot of gnashing of teeth and beating of breasts, for the insult to Malays, Islam and royalty.

But, joyfully, the court’s decision is also going to cause mucho confusion to our faithful enforcer of the law, our one and only inspector-general of police (IGP).

So what is boy wonder going to do in the face of this direct conflict between civil law and that of syariah? Another middle path?

He should follow the responsibilities required of the post he was appointed to. Is he man enough to do so?

Hang Tuah PJ: “The (Court of Appeal) ruling was based on Article 4 (1), which declares that any law inconsistent with the supreme law shall be void,” reported Malaysiakini.

Now Mr Police Chief, did you hear what the wise judge said? Now apply this same logic to M Indira Gandhi’s child kidnap case in Perak.

Civil law is supreme and syariah law cannot be inconsistent with the supreme law of the land, which is civil law. And since you are a civil servant employed in the civil service, go catch that ex-husband scoundrel and hand over the child to Indira now. Pronto!

Anonymous_4031c: What a wonderful judgment from the Court of Appeal in recognition of a medical condition that is beyond the control of the afflicted persons.

Surely there must now be a resolution on what is the supreme law of the realm for those attempting to introduce uncertainty and clouding it with religious and racial whatnots.

Tok Karut: A good blessed day for human rights. Transgenders have long been accepted in the cultural life of ethnic Malays.

However, it will be a long and difficult journey for these rights to be protected in all states. May the journey be lightened. The triumph of the Merdeka constitution is long awaited.

Real Truth: Trangenders are also children of God, there is sound medical evidence to suggest that this is a condition that needs counseling than punishment.

Appum: There is light at the end of the tunnel for Malaysia after all. We Malaysians really need to be more compassionate towards those who are different. We need to recognise that different doesn’t always mean bad.

Anonymous_1388029052: Transgenders have the right to live and dress the way they want as long as they are peaceful and do not violate the rights of others. Why do all these religious busybodies encroach into their lives?

Headhunter: Don’t jump for joy yet. Knowing how perverted the system is and the authorities pandering to the religious extremists, this will probably be short-lived.

Let’s hope sanity prevail and these unfortunates can be left alone to live their normal lives like the rest of us.

Anonymous #44199885: This decision, while well-meaning and portends to leave matters of religion to God and the believer (as it should be), is going to freak out the extremists, fuel their anger and move them to irrational action.

Tailek: Whether you like cross-dressers or not, this is a sound and compassionate judgment by the court. The clear winner is our federal constitution.

Axolotl: Justice Mohd Hishamudin Mohd Yunus has a long track record of making enlightened decisions.

This may be one of his more crucial ones in view of the malicious assault on individual liberties launched by self-serving neo-tribalists with vested interests in maintaining the benighted, corrupt, patriarchal status quo.

Swipenter: A very good and sound decision by the three judges. Their unanimous decision obviously recognises that people with gender identity disorder are human first with a medical condition and not some kind of deviant believed by some holier-than-thou religious bigots.

I really do not understand how religious bigots of late can invoke the name of their religion and assign blame from accidents to social mores (not in accordance to their liking) but are completely blind to the twin evils of corruption and racism in Bolehland.

Fair Play: The federal constitution is the supreme law of the land and all citizens are granted protection under it. Period.

Angry Citizen: There are still some “learned” ones amongst the judiciary but let’s not believe that the extremists in our midst are going to take this lying down.

This disease is so pervasive that we need to fight it tooth and nail so that civil liberties as enshrined in our constitution are not trampled upon.

Mr KJ John: Brilliant decision; now this also establishes that constitutional rights cannot be tampered with by state enactments.

Ericlcc: It would have been a double joy today if Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had also been acquitted (of Sodomy II). It goes to show that there are still some good men left.

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