YOURSAY ‘Why drag religious schools and Islam into the issue?’

When education fails, bash Chinese schools


 Bash chinese schoolsyoursay-English‘Religious schools for all, but SRJKC dangerous’
 Negarawan: “The SRJKC (Chinese primary schools) issue and the religious school issue are vastly  different issues. Islam is a religion that is open to all and we have taken on an approach that is friendly to all races,” said Federal Territories Umno Youth       chief Mohd Razlan Muhammad Rafii. Would any non-Muslim parent in their right mind consider converting to Islam just to enrol their child in an Islamic school? The statement by Razlan is clearly illogical.The Islamic schools in Malaysia have not produced any towering Malaysian. On the other hand, Chinese and the Christian schools have produced world-class Malaysians in all fields of endeavour, including Malay leaders.

The quality and standard of teaching in Chinese and Christian schools are leaps and bounds ahead of the Islamic schools. Chinese and Christian schools also practice racial and religious freedom, unlike Muslim schools that are only for Muslims, but are run on non-Muslim taxpayers’ money.

Spirit of Malaya: These anti-SRJKC sentiments are actually a reflection on the failure of the National Education Policy. This failure is clearly evidenced in the falling standards of national-type schools.

If an independent party were to assess the overall situation back to back and form a conclusion, it’s very obvious that the present government was solely responsible for this predicament.

But, we are also to blame since we were given the choice of changing the government and yet we chose not to. In fact, SRJKC or SRJKT (Tamil primary schools) could have been irrelevent by now, if only the standards of national-type schools were maintained.

SRMan: Razlan said religious schools are open to all Muslims regardless of race and further made claim of a so-called study to back his concerns that vernacular schools could be divisive.

It’s good that religious schools are open to all Muslims regardless of race but then SRJKC schools are open to all regardless of race or religion.

And if you talk about ‘divisiveness’, how can the SRJKC schools, being more multiracial, be more divisive than the religious or SK (national) schools?

Patriot1: If they cannot pass their Bahasa Malaysia papers and fail their examinations, it’s their problem not yours. Don’t take it on their schools.

Anyway, why is the subject of religious schools and Islam dragged into this issue? What has poor command of BM to do with Islam? How come race and Islam is the basis for everything?

Odysseus: Nowadays, it seems that the only way to attract attention is not by showing how smart or bright you are but by telling the world how stupid and ignorant you are.

If Mohd Razlan is truly concern about mastering languages, please take a look at the residential schools, UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara), matriculation and public universities. This is where many students can hardly speak English.

Iiiizzzziiii: What is the real issue here? If you can do business and engage in trading without knowing a word of BM, what does this show you?

What is the point of learning BM or for that matter embracing Islam religion and yet you are classified as a non-bumiputera or in reality a second-class citizen in this country? Why should a non-bumiputera embrace BM and be subjected to systematic oppression where education is concerned?

After more than 50 years of independence, where is Malaysia heading? Towards a developed nation by 2020 or at the brink of bankruptcy? Last but not least, does learning BM entitle one to special privileges or elevate one to become a first-class citizen?

Swot Strategist: Preposterous, unprofessional and narrow-minded thoughts of a race-based party member using an unsubstantiated study highlighted by politically skewed newspaper owned by a minority-voted regime to publicly caution the danger of SRJK (vernacular primary schools).

Please conduct an independent research on whether schools teaching in different languages are more dangerous than religious schools.

The continued drastic drop in the quality of education compelled many parents to turn to alternative schooling system, especially private international schools, which most likely constitute the bulk of those with poor BM.

Also consider to close them as well for they are equally as “dangerous”, not necessary the SRJK.

Golfer63: Some Chinese parents pay through their nose to have their children educated in international schools, all of which are required to teach BM to Malaysian students – some of which are locally owned.

This show Chinese are not racialistic but highly practical in their approach towards education. If national schools are run like such schools, I believe may Chinese would find them schools of choice.

The key is management quality and the mindset behind it. Why not try sub-contracting 5% of the national schools to be run by such international management?

My gut feel is (1) education quality will improve greatly, (2) there’ll be a long Chinese waiting list, and (3) it will cost the government less.

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