YOURSAY ‘Yun is not the first to comment negatively on Malaysia.’

Anifah, explain to US why law used selectively


yrsay Anfah yoursay-EnglishKingfisher: It is within the prerogative of Putrajaya to call in a resident envoy of a foreign nation to discuss in diplomatic terms matters of concern arising   from a divergence of opinions.Considering nations’ voluntary membership to an international community as well as and especially considering the prominence of some of them in matters of globalisation of economies and liberalisation of trade, they are beholden to demonstrate their affinity to norms and conventions underlining their partnership in the international community.
Members who nationally demonstrate certain obvious disregard in law and in practice to some of the very fundamental human development indicators as enshrined in the covenant of international partnership could over a period of time become notorious as recalcitrant and even cantankerous members of the community.And then the whispering starts about trade sanctions, etc. It is best advised for any nation not to be on default. And be alert to global pecking order too.Survivor: Dear US ambassador Joseph Yun, when you meet Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, don’t worry. Just give him a piece of your mind.

Tell him that the people of Malaysia detest the Sedition Act. Tell him that the United States will continue to monitor the implementation of the draconian law.

Gerard Lourdesamy: I assume Putrajaya wants to become the mouse that roars. The US ambassador will hear the complaints of our foreign minister and the ambassador will then proceed to restate the US government’s position.

At the end, both sides will shake hands and leave it at that. Diplomatic relations will continue as normal. Both countries do not want a rupture in relations and certainly not undermine the strong economic and social ties.

The Malaysian government’s response is predictable because it must be seen among its core Malay voter base not to be deferring to the US.

For the rest of us, the Americans certainly do not have the moral high ground but ours is even worse given the democratic deficiency in this country and the dismal state of race relations at present.

What the US ought to do is to consistently put pressure on our leadership, not necessarily in public, to repeal the Sedition Act and if need be, raise it within the United Nations.

David Dass: The US and the UN have no power to compel us to repeal the Sedition Act. They will do no more than express their opinion on the matter. We are not on their list of priorities.

It is for us to decide what we want to do. If we want to belong to the society of civilised nations then we should listen to countries that stand for standards of democratic behaviour.

Of course, there are also trading and other relationships to consider. Yes, the US is responsible for a lot of problems in the world. We can and should criticise them for it – the invasion of Iraq and the torture of terror suspects.

But we should also consider why so many Malaysians object to the Sedition Act. Why do they think that it is bad for us?

Democracy keeps governments on their toes. It makes governments transparent and accountable to the electorate.

The Sedition Act can be used to suppress dissent. Freedom of speech is a fundamental liberty. Indeed, our government should be less sensitive to criticism.

Oh Ya?: If it is really a preventive law to ensure nobody incite racial and religion hatred why is Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali and other ruling elite bigots are not charged?

Why mostly opposition leaders and dissidents are charged? Why an assemblywoman who questioned certain budget allocations should be hauled up for questioning? Is this not hindering democracy?

Dr Suresh Kumar: The Sedition Act is a preventive measure to ensure that no parties would incite religious and racial tension that could jeopardise peace and stability in the country,” said Anifah.

If this statement is true, why those who call others names like ‘keling’ at the Umno AGM, those who want to bathe the ‘keris’, a Malay dagger, in Chinese blood, those who call for bibles to be burnt, those who desecrate the Hindu houses of worship by stomping on their deity statues with their boots, those who keep warning about a repeat of the May 13 incident, which was the darkest period in the Malaysian history, those who keep labelling loyal, hardworking and sincere Malaysians as ‘pendatang’ (well, I can go on and on), were not even issued a warning to not “jeopardise peace and stability in the country” with their ultra-racist and extremist ideology, let alone charging those racist, supremacists under the Sedition Act?

Abasir: How about a Friday demonstration at the embassy by the usual layabouts in the pay of Umno?

You know, the type where they burn the US flag, shout obscenities, smash a few windows and threaten to burn the building down? And do all that under the full protection of the private militia called PDRM?

Apart from the cybermorons now on the prowl in the columns ofMalaysiakini sniffing for any mention of PM Najib Razak or his wife Rosmah Mansor, such an expression of outrage may help prolong the life of the ‘spineless one’ who is already on life support.

Mushiro: The world is becoming a global village and factors such as democracy, human rights and basic freedom are a measure of a country’s status.

Otherwise why should countries including Malaysia worry about CPI (Corruption Perception Index), education index, economic index, etc?

Why did Malaysia lobbied for a seat in UNHCR (UN High Commission for Refugees) and UNSC (UN Security Council) which are basically to poke noses into the affairs of other countries?

Anifah needs to prove that the Sedition Act has never been misused against the opposition, especially in the last six months.

Anonymous #20513663: Anifah, the US ambassador is not one of your civil servants or government scholars. Your ‘tried and tested’ intimidation tactics will not work.

It looks like the US has finally realised which way the wind is blowing in Malaysia and are changing sides. There is nothing you can do about it.

Dingy: Indeed, any US ambassador who served in Malaysia knew the real political situation in the country. Yun is not the first to comment negatively on Malaysia.

Najib can bluff the American people about what is happening in the country but the US ambassador has first-hand knowledge of what is happening here.

Thana55: The US ambassador is fully in tune with the Malaysian vibes/sentiments and his comments resonated well with most Malaysians, excluding Umno members.

Look in the mirror, the problem is Umno.

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