YOURSAY ‘No one group has claim of having mandate from heaven.’

Bravo to G25, stick to your guns


Eminent 25: We’ll only see PM, no one elseYrsay-bravo25 Kingfisher: Eminent 25, please be determined with your noble efforts. Continue to be judgmental in your convictions even in the face of opposition.

The general populace who wish for the country’s overall wellbeing will continue to support your initiative. The agnostics who fear to be judgmental with their convictions will enable the knaves and criminals to take control of this beautiful country and lead it to its destruction.

This is watershed moment in the state of affairs of this nation. The fault lines should not be allowed to fester.

No one group has claim of having mandate from heaven. We should demonstrate to the world that we are nation of civilised people, not bigots and charlatans.

Myrights: A great response from Eminent 25’s Kamil Jaafar and Noor Farida Ariffin.

I agree, you don’t need to meet with these NGOs as it will lead to nowhere since they will likely just end up threatening you.

It must be PM that you meet, not some people who claim they represent Malays but never received any mandate to represent anyone.

Odysseus: Yes, that’s the way to go E25. It’s PM Najib Razak or nothing. Najib has to show leadership and respect for these senior civil servants who has done great service to the nation in the past.

They have not only lived through the times when Malaysia was a beautiful harmonious country, they played a major role in governing this country.

With such gathering of eminent people, I am sure it’s worth Najib’s time to listen to them.

David Dass: The non-Malays should simply insist that the status quo remains. We are not an Islamic country, period.

The constitution simply states that Islam shall be the religion of the Federation. It does not say that Malaysia shall be an Islamic state. It imports the British model. Britain is not a Christian state.

The constitution is declared the supreme law of the state and all our rights as individuals devolves from the constitution. The Islamists or extremists, whatever one may choose to call them, want to make syariah the source of law. We cannot have that.

It would fundamentally alter the structure of our state. That was not the basis on which we all came together as a nation state in 1957. That was not the basis on which Sabah and Sarawak – two Christian states – joined Malaysia in 1963.

So we say no to hudud, even if we are reassured that it would only apply to Muslims. Just open the door a little with these constitutional amendments and we open the Pandora’s Box. All should speak up.

Anticonmen: What a shame. You need eminent people to tell the leadership to follow the constitution when all these years, people like the late Karpal Singh and ordinary citizens have been saying the same thing.

Odin: Madam Noor Farida, they can’t stick to the issue because it is well beyond their comprehension as well as intellect to think of and offer reasonable, logical counter-arguments.

All they are intellectually equipped for, and thus capable of, is to make personal attacks against yourselves.

And you all are absolutely right in not wanting to enter into a discussion with the Johnny-come-lately, a-penny-a-dozen bodies of minions and serfs of the vile and villainous.

You are doubtless aware that you have the full support of all right-minded, fair Malaysians.

Kyrie Eleison: Noor Farida, you and your other 24 friends are the breath of fresh air that all Malaysians so badly needed. For years we have been poisoned by bigots from Perkasa and Isma.

Fair&Just: A forthright statement, meaningful and direct to the point. These are people of substance.

CQ Muar: Eminent 25, there you go. Given all the comments here in Malaysiakini, beyond a shadow of doubt, you have unanimous support from all concerned members of the rakyat.

Everyone seems to be with you at this hour of need when our country appears to worsen with each passing day.

The extremists and bigots seemed to have a field day with no law and government intervention, and the obvious lackadaisical attitude of the prime minister.

Your timely emergence is God-sent, and our prayers answered. Please press on for the love of this nation and all Malaysians. With our due respect, we need you all.

Fair Play: Dear Eminent 25, your stance has increased my respect for you by several notches. You are what all right-thinking Malaysians (regardless of which community they belong to) want in order for the nation to move forward as one with the theme of ‘unity in diversity’. Best of luck to you.

Wg321: Luckily this group of ‘Eminent 25′ are all Malays. If they are non-Malays, all hell will break loose. They may be charged under the Sedition Act with insulting the Malay race, Islam and the nine royal families.

Isma and Perkasa will start screaming, armed with chicken blood. Police reports will be made by that crackpot who always wears a security guard uniform with decorations all over his chest like those North Korean generals.

Eminent 25, try inviting PM to a game of golf

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