YOURSAY ‘He is perhaps part of a bigger web of conspiracy to murder.’

Will Sirul tell his ‘Kisah Benar’ in Brisbane?


  yrsaysirulaustraliaSali Tambap: Sirul Azhar Umar has been found guilty of murder. He is a ruthless, heartless and evil man who snuffed the life out of a living person.His judgment was meted out on earth and will be so in the next life. Even if he is a functional tool of someone else, he had allowed himself to be one.I have no sympathy for him. He is perhaps part of a bigger evil web of conspiracy to murder. He will not spill the beans because he had willingly involved himself and most probably had taken what was due to him in the dubious deal.

But we will never know, it is not possible for an evil to expose another evil.

Disgusted: Let Australia keep this criminal. After all, he will feel at home in the country allegedly created by criminals. The first settlers were said to be criminals banished from England who wanted to dump them somewhere far away.

If he comes back and is hanged, his story dies with him. That is why it is in the interest of the rakyat to keep him alive to find out the motive leading to Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder and who gave the orders to Sirul and Azilah Hadri to kill her.

The ghost of Altantuya will not rest till she gets justice and the perpetrators of her murder will be made to pay for it.

Hang Tuah: Come on, Sirul, tell the whole world the truth behind the killing. After all, you owe everyone the real truth.

Umno Portal: I’m waiting for Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to write a letter to Australia? But make sure that Zahid’s English has improved.

Perhaps another matter to be placed under the Official Secrets Act (OSA)?

Siang Malam: Will Sirul survive the journey back to Malaysia? I think he will – there is no reason for anyone to get rid him now as he will be put into prison and hung as soon as possible, to shut him up anyway.

The question is rather will Sirul fight his return and offer to tell the world his ‘Kisah Benar’ in Brisbane?

Onlooker: He’s safe now as he’s in custody in Australia.

1. Australian law won’t allow for him to be returned to Malaysia.

2. He can’t sell his story because Australian law prohibits a criminal profiting from crime.

So unless he’s sent to an immigration camp in Nauru or Christmas Island, he’ll be well looked after at the expense of the Australian taxpayer. How tidy is that?

Jim59: Arrested… so what? It’s extradition law that matters.

Odysseus: I guess he will fight his extradition in Australian court and spill the beans there to save his own skin.

JD Lovrenciear: Or maybe there is nothing to spill?

Axolotl: The ancient game of Javanese checkers is being played out in Kangkungland. Guns pointed at everybody’s head but nobody wants to pull the trigger first, in the hope that differences can be settled amicably, with everyone making an extra buck – or a couple of billions.

Ozzie Jo: I guess all I want to say is that I wouldn’t want to be on the same flight back from Australia as Sirul, given the spate of aerial accidents recently…

Imanust Nais Yalam: I think Sirul has taken over Mat Rempits as the major cause of PM Najib Razak’s and his wife’s insomnia.

Next: Court process on Sirul’s extradition

Jesse: If he is detained by Australian Immigration as an ‘unlawful non-citizen’ rather than through an arrest warrant, it suggests that he sneaked into the country illegally.

How he came into the country, say using a false passport, etc, is unknown at this stage. He will be detained like all the other unlawful persons in a detention centre until deportation.

Being a convicted criminal for murder and out on bail while appeal is pending, he would not have received a visa for entry to Australia under normal circumstances.

So the mystery remains. How did he get into Australia in the first place?

Commentable: If what Queen’s Counsel Mark Trowell said is true – that Australia would extradite Sirul if Malaysia reconsiders the sentence against the 43-year-old and changes it to life imprisonment – then this could open up another possibility.

Just imagine, if Malaysia eventually agrees to revise the death sentence on Sirul to life imprisonment, then Azilah will likewise be entitled to demand for his sentence to be revised. That’s because both men were convicted and sentence to having committed the same crime.

This could be a legal red-herring to allow both men to escape the gallows, sort of like killing two birds with one stone.

This could explain a lot of things, like why did Sirul escape to another country and why to Australia, why one stayed back to face court while the other didn’t, and why the authorities didn’t raise the alarm when Sirul went missing months ago.

Visu: The two men committed a crime thinking that they are invincible. This is a classic case of how fools can be manipulated to do the calling of their masters, yet not understanding that such a dastardly act of murdering an allegedly pregnant woman shall never go unpunished.

Peacemaker: Putrajaya should stop fooling Malaysians with moves that they know jolly well are completely ineffective. This all a sandiwara (shadow play).

They’ll never get Sirul back in Malaysia for his appointment with the hangman.

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