YOURSAY ‘If the facts provided are unfounded, why is the truth not easily made available?’

Salleh, we also remember Saddam’s Comical Ali

Western media reports on Najib – remember Iraq?

yrsaycomicalAli Astounded: Minister Salleh Said Keruak, there is no comparison between the issue of PM Najib Abdul Razak receiving billions of ringgit to the weapon of mass destruction (WMD) issue in Iraq.

In this particular case, Najib has admitted receiving RM2.6 billion which was credited into his personal bank accounts. He refused to disclose who allegedly donated the money and where it went.

He also summarily terminated the investigation by the special task force, dismissed the attorney-general (AG), and harassed the investigating officers in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Special Branch before they could complete the probe.

In addition, he brought the investigation by Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to an abrupt halt by promoting some of its members out of the committee and not allowing the remaining members to continue.

He also refused to convene a special session of Parliament to appoint new PAC members to replace the members who have been promoted, thereby delaying the work of the committee, presumably to buy more time for 1MDB.

All these actions point to his guilt. Period.

Anonymous#007: Indeed, I remember Iraq well. Especially how the evil multi-billionaire dictator Saddam Hussein was caught hiding in a hole, later tried by the people of Iraq for the crimes he had committed, and hanged.

The moral of the story: Don’t challenge the dignity of the people or they will rise against you.

Relevancy: If the facts provided are unfounded, why is the truth not easily made available?

Odin Tajué: Salleh, you said that Malaysians had the perception that anything foreign or imported had to be better than local grown.

The fact that anything foreign or imported is better than the homegrown variety is indeed unquestionable as clearly illustrated by your own government.

You got Apco, FCB and sundry other foreign consultants to come up with such things as your PR strategies and the new education scheme, haven’t you?

If those consultants were in fact less capable than the homegrown ones, then you all have secured their services so that you could be paid kickbacks into your foreign bank accounts and the ordinary Malaysians would be none the wiser. That is services, or, expertise.

As for consumer goods, look at, just to quote one example, your 1Malaysia tablet or whatever it was called. Did it not prove to be a dismal failure? But look at tablets made by foreign manufacturers.

I had my lunch at my favourite café today, and even the waiters and waitresses were checking on their tablets made by foreign companies. You want another example?

What about your Adidas Kampong? Does any of your children or grandchildren wear it? Or do they all wear the imported Adidas? Or Reebok, Nike, etc?

As for news, the Sarawak Report, the London Sunday TimesThe New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal have indeed published what has been proved to be factual and which no Malaysian mainstream media, except for The Edge, has done.

If what they have published was fabricated, why have you been unable to rebut them, never mind sue them for defamation?

All you have been able to do is to claim that what they have published was false. You have been unable to prove anything false for the simple reason that everything they published is factual.

But what am I doing? Your IQ is so low that you doubtless can’t comprehend what I have said.

Existential Turd: Firstly, many Malaysians including this commenter did not believe the Iraqi WMD story.

So the minister’s accusation about many Malaysians believing Western news media uncritically is plain prejudice.

Secondly, many Malays, especially Umno supporters, judging by the red shirt rally, believe their leaders unquestioningly.

Thirdly, comparing Malaysia to Iraq is a bad faux pas as it has the unintended consequence of likening our current PM to a certain former Iraqi moustachioed leader who was captured and executed.

Fourthly, Najib admitted to receiving RM2.6 billion in his account as claimed by WSJ. If the WSJ or Sarawak Report’s reports are not factual, rebut them point by point, or take them to court.

No need to make facile comparisons or baseless insinuations.

SusahKes: Iraq? Didn’t Saddam’s Iraq also give us Comical Ali? Remember him?

BH Yap: Salleh, when you talk, you need credibility. When you have a credibility deficit, no one believes in you, even if you are a minister.

Visu: Corruption becomes donation, ‘rasuah’ becomes ‘maruah’, ‘bangsat’ becomes ‘bangsawan’, ‘Cina babi’ becomes ‘Cina makan babi’, and so on. What a joke.



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