YOURSAY | ‘He is too busy playing with his phone sending out tweet messages.’

Expect IGP to keep mum on police reports against Najib

Have you investigated Najib, Zaid asks IGP

yrsaybusyigpyoursay-EnglishKingfisher: Former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim has asked inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar a very pertinent question that is probably the cardinal doubt in the minds of many ordinary Malaysians.

What is the IGP doing about all the police reports against PM Najib Razak and if the answer is yes or no, why has there been no statements from the IGP considering the police reports impinges on the reputation and integrity of the prime minister?

As the IGP has a reputation for quick response on a number of policing matters, his apparent disregard to speak on developments regarding the police reports on the PM does the PM’s reputation no favour.

Vijay47: The sun rises in the east, the sun sets in the west (though former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not too pleased with this second part).

In the same way, the two consistencies we can expect of Khalid is that he will act dumb in the face of illegal action by pro-Umno thugs especially his brother and secondly, to walk around town in a daze threatening people especially those who comments may not be much in favour of Najib.

If he is not doing this, he is busy playing with his phone sending out messages expected of only utter twits.

Khalid, for heaven’s sake, you are the IGP of the country, not some bully or gangster from the back streets of the city. Just who the hell do you think you are that you can disregard the impartiality and responsibility that comes with the trust thrust upon you?

Like Zaid’s simple question – what action have you taken in respect of the reports against Najib? Perhaps like our attorney-general, you also have begun to believe that you now enjoy divine absolute discretion.

Roguekiller: The law of this country is applied in two different ways – to BN, especially Umno leaders, the police drag its feet, and when dealing with others, it is done in double-quick time.

Kamaapo: Zaid, you made an immense contribution to the nation during your very short stint as minister.

You helped redeem the unjustly tainted honour of the Supreme Court judges sacked by crafty means as per the desire of a foxy person surrounded by no lack of ‘yes’ men.

Sadly, even then DPM Anwar Ibrahim acquiesced to this. It’s not so easy to rectify the culture in our mangled democracy.

It seems very tough to obtain simple straight-forward answers to simple straight-forward questions in Malaysia.

Doc: It must be really tough for an Umno crony like Khalid to continue protecting his boss, Najib, with gusto especially in times like these when almost all Malaysians “hate” Najib for allegedly walloping billions and that he has put the nation’s economy on autopilot.

On top of that, many international law enforcement agencies are investigating him for gross corruption but Khalid denies any wrongdoing on the part of his boss, thus confirming both internationally and locally that he is in fact a “Najib stooge”.

Bulls**tWalks & Money Talks: Zaid, do you expect the IGP to investigate? You must be joking.

He only knows how to threaten people. He is not prepared to take the bold step which he had an opportunity earlier when the charge sheet against Najib was allegedly prepared by former AG Abdul Gani Patail.

The Analyser: Another incredibly childish question from a would-be leader of Malaysia.

Instead of pursuing the Malaysian national sport of telling everyone what to do, the nation would be better off with you telling Malaysians what you would do… which pretty well amounts to nothing at this stage.

Monty: Of course, the IGP is investigating. He has a corporal doing that as no senior officer wants to be fired or forced to resign.

So we will get that investigation completed when that corporal has completed his job.

When Najib is finally brought to account, the IGP together with the AG should be in the dock as collaborators for all the offences committed.

We just cannot have senior public officers enjoying their high salaries and benefits and completely irresponsible and negligent in their jobs.

Odin Tajué: Zaid, you are expecting just too much of Khalid – and of others like him as well – to know that many words in the English language have multiple meanings.

To him and the rest, ‘rally‘ only means the thing they are familiar with, and it is a group of people, usually large, demonstrating against something.

Don’t expect them to know that the simple, two-syllabic word ‘rally’ has more than 100 synonyms. And has he investigated his lord? Of course, he hasn’t.



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