YOURSAY | ‘What’s new? This is a reflection of our patronage culture.’

Mueller, tell us something we don’t already know


Outgoing CEO: Many MAS employees were doing nothing, some sleeping

yrsaymullerKim Quek: It is the Umno political culture that has set the tone of regression in qualities in all fields of human endeavour for the past three decades, and outgoing Malaysia Airlines CEO Christoph Mueller’s shocking revelation on the massive failure of MAS is only the tip of the iceberg of a polity that has got rotten to the core.

Piecemeal remedies wouldn’t do. Only a spring-cleaning would give this country a new lease of life.

Clever Voter: What’s new? It’s a reflection of the patronage culture which is well-protected and promoted by people in high places who did not have to slog for every single sen earned.

After all, if all fails there is the easy access to public funds.

SusahKes: Well folks, it does sound like that whatever Mueller describes as ailing MAS is synoptic of what ails our 1Malaysia team of ‘people first, performance now’. Peruse the auditor-general’s report, and we get the same story.

I try to imagine the psyche of those that Mueller caught ‘sleeping on the job’; maybe I would, too, if I learned that not even a RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ that appears in my bank account can make me lose sleep, due to the fact that I don’t have to be accountable to anyone for it.

What ails MAS is the same predicament that has been ailing the top; the fact that it has trickled downwards should not surprise us.

It’s reflective of the house of cards that BN has been building for the past 30 to 40 years. Those doomsayers who predicted that we will be the next Philippines must now be pretty sure of their bets.

Fair Play: Mueller, did you realise what you just said? Can you imagine how bloated the civil service of the government is?

But then again, you didn’t know this is ‘ketuanan’ country and the ‘ketuanan’ can do as they please.

‘Turnaround’ literally means you turn around and go back to square one and start all over again. Same goes with Proton.

Legit: Every child in Malaysia knows that MAS is an atrociously run organisation. I fully agree with the comment that the staff were sleeping or being delinquent in their jobs. I know personally some of these people and not at all impressed.

I am sure if Mueller had his way, he would have slashed at least half the workforce, i.e 10,000 people. And 20,000 vendors for a carrier like this is simply unimaginable. The people in charge must have been making money left, right and centre from these vendors.

It is too bad Mueller is leaving the company so soon because some favoured person will take over and screw the company all over again. Malaysia Boleh.

Righteous: Mueller, your take is ‘quite’ diplomatic. It can also apply to all our government-linked companies (GLCs), I should add.

JD Lovrenciear: Bloated workforce, inflated pricing, and ‘all talk, no action’ – these are the precipitates of a failing political party that keeps winning.

Someday, surely in the near future, Malaysians will mourn their grave losses.

NNFC: Any effort to identify corrupt people in procurement deals would be important, especially the big ones.

Any government people involved in ‘suggesting’ that the airline should be buying from some party can be suspect.

Veritas et Aeuqtias: Yes, how many ‘sweetheart’ supply deals are costing MAS more than 6,000 salaries?

The Analyser: In simple terms, we have a large proportion of the population doing nothing and being paid for it, especially with all the work being done by underpaid immigrant workers working under slave-like conditions. No country can maintain a situation like this for long.

But to reverse the situation requires more courage and more intelligence than Malaysia can provide. This is especially so with the present standard of politicians who will inevitably fall back on the Umno model because anything else is too difficult.

And it’s not only Umno that is supporting this fragile worker environment, greedy racist businessmen would prefer to employ foreign slaves than work for the nation.

Donation Seeker: Mueller, you tried put things right but there are dark forces that do not like your genuine and sincere efforts. To them the four letter word ‘duit’ means a lot than national interest.

Falcon: Mueller, my dear friend, please tell us something we don’t already know. Where is SIA and where is MAS? Where is the Singapore dollar and where is the ringgit?

Look at Singapore and its war against corruption and ask, beating your breast black-and-blue, where we are? Res Ipsa Loquitur (Latin, literally ‘the matter speaks for itself’)?

Tan Kim Keong: What Mueller found out is not surprising because it was already common knowledge regarding what ailed MAS. These are merely symptoms.

The root cause is the culture of entitlement and apathetic accountability.

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