YOURSAY | ‘If he is standing upright, why should he worry if his shadow is crooked.’

Jokes will persist so long as there are ‘pencuri’ in go

Just chill, ‘PM pencuri’ comedian says, but Umno Youth wants him barred

yrsaypencuriRaja Chulan: Singapore comedian Fakkah Fuzz was just stating the truth. Thieves are ‘hebat’ in Malaysia. Look around, isn’t it obvious? Yes, the truth hurts.

It would be appropriate if Umno takes steps to correct the wrong rather than go after the individual who was joking about us.

It is not him alone. Almost everyone I meet is joking and laughing at Malaysia.

Abasir: If anyone were to refer to Najib Abdul Razak as being dark and short with a pock-marked face, it would be dismissed as silly prattle and not cause any “deep impact” (even in easily-offended Umno) because it is obviously not true.

So why would declaring that “perdana menteri” is equivalent to “pencuri” cause such offence?

Inworldnotof: Federal Territories Umno Youth chief Mohd Razlan Muhammad Rafii and Selangor Umno Youth chief Zainuri Zainal, what do you read about each day?

As youth leaders, you have a responsibility to make sure you have your fingers on the pulse of the nation. Not defending darkness, that’s for sure.

So what is your stand about ‘681 American pies’ and other sandals that cost astronomical sums in leakages and all their affiliated implications to nation, rakyat, accountability, stewardship, truth and justice?

If you choose to deny there is any wrongdoing, then you are not fit to lead. Any group. Young or old.

Commentable: You want the jokes to stop once and for all? And to make Malaysia get back up on its feet with honour? The answer is obvious – get rid of the ‘pencuri’.

It looks like these Umno people are getting their priorities all wrong. Quit barking up the wrong tree and get it right for once, boys.

Jaycee: Yes, instead of going after the real issues that matter to the rakyat; our ministers and party youth chiefs are busy with who said what and to whom.

And meanwhile, the perpetrators that allegedly fleeced the rakyat of billions of dollars are laughing all the way to the bank.

Mytake: Watch the video. Can you hear the audience’s laughter? They very obviously enjoyed the joke.

Allforit: Malaysians have no sense of humour. There were no names mentioned. Why take it so seriously? Just take it with a pinch of salt.

On the other hand, I thought it was very funny. Sorry. I don’t mean to offend anyone. It’s been a long time since I came across a good comedian.

RCZ: We all know the truth. But the truth doesn’t seem to hurt them. Jokes, however, they make a big fuss.

If the joke is not true, Umno Youth should chill. Otherwise, no one who makes a joke or says something negative about Malaysia can come into the country.

One Malaysia: Apologies, Fakkah. Some Malaysians can’t ‘chill’ because it’s their bread and butter to make the right noises for the ‘big man’.

But ban or no ban, it’s probably a good idea to stay away from this woefully humourless crowd. Unless you make jokes about the opposition, perhaps?

RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: In fact, the statement about ‘pencuri’ is on every Singaporean’s lips. The moment I step into a taxi in Singapore, the driver would come up with this joke on Najib.

Even when I was in Australia a few months ago, Najib’s name is well-known among the Australians for the wrong reasons.

On hearing all these negative comments about him, I am really ashamed that our country’s PM has such a bad name overseas.

Mohd Razlan, Fakkah is echoing the perception of the whole world.

There are millions of Fakkahs on the streets of Singapore, Australia, Thailand and Indonesia, cracking the same jokes every day. You will be having a hard time barring all those Fakkahs from entering the country.

HaveAGreatDay: Is the ‘perdana menteri’ admitting that he is a ‘pencuri’? If he is standing upright, why should he worry if his shadow is crooked?

It’s fortunate Fakkah is based in Singapore, or else the Umnoputras security division will have him arrested.

God Save Us: Only idiots and retards can come up with suggestions like this. Wake up, grow up and recognise that it’s all fair comment and appreciate the humour.

Otherwise, crawl back into your coconut shells and remain oblivious to the corruption that pervades your party.

Analyser Shooter: I think Fakkah should be awarded a datukship instead. He has made a statement that a lot of Malaysians are afraid to make, even when they know it is the truth.

Fair Play: Shakespeare said in ‘Romeo & Juliet’: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

By extension, wouldn’t the same rule apply here, too?

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