YOURSAY | ‘Only in M’sia can a ‘thief’ protest in front of a police station to get another ‘thief’ arrested.’

An illegal rally to demand arrest of illegal protesters


Gerakan Merah protest police inaction outside Dang Wangi police station

yrsaythiefholdsrallyyoursay-EnglishRM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: It would be a shame if the police act on the order of Gerakan Merah leader Mohd Ali Baharom aka Ali Tinju. No other country that we know has the police act on the order of a private citizen.

If the police do follow the demand of Ali Tinju, it is time the inspector-general of police (IGP) resigns and Ali Tinju assuming his post.

Liew Lean Kut: Good, it is high time the police get some threats from these rough necks for a change. They even dare to threaten the police, so you can imagine how strong their backers are.

CQ Muar: There you are, this proved my prediction was correct when I estimated that at best 30 participants would show up to support those red shirt mobsters on Monday.

Earlier on, when their leaders threatened to round up 300,000 to counter the ‘Tangkap MO1’ rally, my ass was tickled. I added that 300 would be considered an excess.

Later on when they decide to call off with the excuse they won’t “box” with kids, I changed my estimation to 30, and I was not wrong.

This shows the red shirt leaders are nothing but empty vessels. Fancy trying to intimidate PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) by showing how “powerful” they are as ‘defenders’ of the government or perhaps MO1 (Malaysian Official 1).

Worried Sick: Only in Malaysia can a ‘thief’ protest in front of a police station to get another ‘thief’ arrested. Imagine these red shirts calling the police ‘lemah’ (weak) and getting away with it!

Only in Malaysia can this happen. What a sorry state we are in.

Anonymous_1419577444: This is a classic bunch of village idiots. A robber has been coming in and out of every house in the village in broad daylight, carting away valuables right under their noses.

The smarter villagers want the robber caught and punished. On the other hand, these morons want their fellow villagers arrested for trying to catch the robber. What a waste of rice to feed these morons!

CheeCheongFun: Yes, it is truly beyond belief that these red idiots go to all this hassle to defend thieves who stole their money. To call them stupid would be totally inadequate.

Richard-D: They held an illegal assembly to protest that people weren’t arrested for holding an illegal assembly. Let me try to understand the logic of that…

PAS lodges report over ‘uncivilised’ Aiyoh Wat Lah awards

Tholu: Just as non-Muslims expect Muslims to respect the followers of other religions and believe systems, non-Muslims should reciprocally respect the teachings of Islam and the Quran that is held in supreme divinity by the Mohammedans.

Who are we – mere mundane mortals of this mundane world – to judge what is godly and what is sacrilegious.

We must always keep in mind that there could be believers of other religions who could be quietly despising and ridiculing our religious practices and rituals but as long as they don’t say it to our face, no animosity or tension is going to arise.

If the organisers of the Aiyoh Wat Lah! get into trouble with the law, they have only themselves to blame for being plain stupid and insensitive towards the teachings and deeply entrenched practices of another religion.

OMG!: No, Federal Territories PAS deputy commissioner Kamaruzaman Mohamad, they (Aiyoh Wat Lah! Award organisers) are not rude, insolent and uncivilised.

Ridicule is the best tool for crude remarks like a religious man talking about having sex on a camel.

Male patriarchal attitudes are on full awful display here and they do disservice to the great religion of Islam.

Analyser My Foot: If such a remark is a correct understanding of the religion, then I can only say you are using religion to be sexist.

What a primitive remark that reduces women to sex toys. That is why rakyat should not support PAS.

Anubis: Thanks, Kamaruzaman. Now the voters know whom not to vote into power ever again! I predict that after the next election you will leave politics and start a camel ranch.

Maxit: We should treat others the way you want others to treat you. Don’t act superior by calling others all kinds names, ridiculing their religion or beliefs.

Mamadias: This is a lesson to the mufti and the so-called religious people to be cautious about what they say in public.

Anonymous_1372745219: “Humour is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.” – Christopher Morley

Ib: We need a new award: Aiyoh Makan Dedak!

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