YOURSAY | ‘The police must show us that they are impartial law enforcers…’

Jamal clearly emboldened by kid glove treatment


Jamal remanded for two days

yrsayjamalTrueglitter: The ostensible arrest of red shirts leader Jamal Md Yunos by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), would not add weight to anything that is worthy of the rakyat’s view if the culprit is not subsequently charged in an open court, substantiated by all tell-tale evidence on proof of his blatant misdeeds and aggression against all peace-loving opposition supporters.

It is opportune to say the least and remind the PDRM that the unforgiving public members are now more informed and better educated and would not be seen as gullible or vulnerable to the unhealthy displays of theatrics which might exude from them on the said matter, as inevitably, in the event that Jamal is not proven guilty as charged, it would be considered that the latter’s arrest is merely a ‘hogwash’, deserving the nation’s vehement condemnation.

Admittedly, Jamal’s timely arrest and be charged is an invaluable opportunity for PDRM to prove to the nation that it is not Umno ‘lap dog’, beholden to the powers-that-be.

Pemerhati: This is the usual ‘sandiwara’ produced and directed by PM Najib Razak and Umno with the active help and participation of the police and their thugs.

Previously the thugs, who were let loose to create havoc and tension, were treated to tea, cakes and curry puffs by Umno and the police.

The inaction of the police during the havoc caused by the thugs and their subsequent inaction strongly indicated that the whole thing was jointly planned and executed by Umno, the police and the thugs.

This time the script has been changed to treat the chief thug, not only with tea but also with lunch and dinner which might include nasi briyani, satay and even ikan bakar.

Liew Lean Kut: In saying that he and his big brother’s actions have nothing to do with Umno, Youth exco member Armand Azha Abu Hanifah is talking baloney.

Jamal is a divisional head of Umno, isn’t he? Every action they take will reflect on the organisation they are in.

I just do not understand the mindset of Umno supreme council, which allow these thugs to slap them on the face time and again.

As I see it, every thuggish action they perform is a slap on the face of this oldest political party of Malaysia.

Headhunter: It’s time to lock him up, not just inviting him for a cup of coffee and let him go. He’s been insulting the police for too long and this has emboldened him to act like he’s above the law.

The police have to show us that they are impartial law enforcers so that we the rakyat can feel secure from people like this mad man.

Odysseus: He should be remanded until Nov 20 to prevent him from spewing venom against Bersih. To be clear, I don’t support unnecessary detention but Jamal deserves it.

He has proven to be one who cannot response rationally. He has shown to the world he doesn’t have any grey matter up in his head. He only knows how to be aggressive and create trouble.

Kangkung: Let’s see how far the “investigation” will go. Soon it will be those linked to Bersih to be arrested. As usual, the police need to “balance” things up.

Be fair, arrest Maria and Ambiga: Red shirts to cops

Vent: This pathetic excuse for a man to call police to arrest two brave women after they received death threats, I guess there is a first time for everything.

But it certainly won’t be the first time the police have been guilty of a serious dereliction of duty in maintaining law and order by letting the red rotund retards roam freely.

FellowMalaysian: When violence and intimidation were caused by Jamal and his red shirt cohorts, red shirts movement secretariat member Armand Azha Abu Hanifah asked that Maria Chin and Ambiga Sreenevasan be arrested.

When will these hooligans ever learn to use their heads?

Rick Teo: Armand wants Maria to be arrested too. For what? For being assaulted by the goons from the red shirts and Umno Youth?

They were taking part of a legitimate demonstration against unfair delineation and the lack of accountability of 1MDB.

Is that not a citizens’ right to show their discontentment? It’s the red shirts and the Umno Youth goons who caused the ruckus. So it’s the red shirts and Umno Youth goons who should be arrested.

Responsible Malaysian: Do you understand the word “fair”? Are you talking about being fair to rakyat?

Stealing our wealth to enrich a few people and deny us the right for fair elections is considered fair to you? Pray more and you will understand.\Martha: What is Maria and Ambiga fighting for? The betterment of the people and the country. And what does that trouble-maker Jamal doing? The survival of his master and his wife. That’s the difference.

You are really stupid, Armand. Wait till the coffers run dry and let’s see whether you and your families will laugh then.

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