YOURSAY | ‘The evidence has been sitting on the AG’s and MACC’s desks for more than three years…’

Why so much money paid to lawyers just to set aside a subpoena?


Rafizi claims Najib paid another lawyer RM325k

your say1najibdevastatedFairMind: Remember the source of the leak was allegedly from Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

This evidence has been sitting on the attorney-general’s (AG’s) and MACC’s desks for more than three years.

A government leader has allegedly used millions of ringgit from SRC International and claimed that he didn’t know the money was from this company which is under the ministry he headed, and he didn’t return it.

Instead, apart from allegedly purchasing luxury goods for his family members and paying politicians and a certain sultan, he used it to pay lawyers and prosecutors who, among others, tended to his personal matters.

The MACC hasn’t taken any action for over three years and the AG even exonerated this government leader of wrongdoings.

These wrongdoings are as clear as daylight – on what moral grounds does the MACC claim that it is nabbing corrupters without fear or favour?

Gaji Buta: Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli seems to have no problem differentiating which money came from SRC and which is part of the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’. Were these banked into different accounts?

If there are two accounts, then how can MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) claim he could not differentiate SRC’s funds from the ‘donation’? I’m a bit confused here.

Anonymousb 40f4: RM328,155 is a lot of money to be paid as legal fees – in a single payment – just to set aside a subpoena.

If not, apart from setting aside the subpoena, what were the other ‘services’ rendered?

Clongviews: Officers who have conscience and integrity in MACC, PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), AG’s Chambers, please leak out as much information on the wrongdoings of government leaders to save the country.

Those in power will find it difficult to stop the leaks. And pass the information to the kampung folks too.

Headhunter: With all these disclosures coming out – and credited to MACC – it appears that the commission actually did investigate and found many alleged criminal acts committed by those in power.

And most of the information were probably handed to the police and the AG’s Chamber for further action.

The question remains: what happened to its recommendations? No wonder, at one time, senior MACC officers were threatened, transferred or retired from service.

I’m sure many officers are patriotic and are not happy to see all the abuses, just like many of us.

Once the fear of persecution diminishes, they are bound to come out of hiding. In the meantime, expect more dirty secrets to be exposed.

Boonpou: How does Najib stay in power? By paying and paying with the money he has in his personal saving accounts, which we are led to believe is a donation from the Middle East?

Make no mistake about it. This PM is seeking to stay in power allegedly using our monies, the rakyat’s monies.

Sometimes I wonder why there are still so many Malaysians, regardless of race and religion, who can still be so ignorant as to not see what is going on in this nation of ours. Please stop this “everything can be bought” mentality.

Feddup: Are MO1’s pockets “bottomless”? What happens to him when his money finishes? Will the sharks in Umno go after him?

Lawyers confirm payment from Najib, deny knowledge of money’s origin

Justice: “As for the SRC funds, (AG Mohamed) Apandi (Ali) had said that Najib was unaware that money from the firm was transferred into his account, and that the prime minister had, at all material times, believed it was part of the RM2.6 billion donation he had received from a Saudi royalty.”

So, Apandi, get Najib to disclose his bank statement proving the rich Arab donor indeed made the alleged huge donation of RM2.6 billion into his account and that the alleged donation has also indeed been returned from Najib’s account to the donor.

Surely, Najib’s bank keeps all the official records of the transfer in and transfer out of the huge sum involved and surely Bank Negara too keeps records of the transactions.

Disclose all that to clear Najib’s name and to demolish the opposition’s accusation against the PM.

Also, disclose the financial statement of SRC during the same period to prove there was indeed no fund from SRC going into Najib’s account.

Mat Juan: As for jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s case, payments to lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah is completely irrelevant as the decisions in both the Court of Appeals in 2014 and the Federal Court in 2015 are the result of eight judges who listened to the evidence, deliberated on it and unanimously agreed that Anwar is guilty.

Not Convinced: Mat Juan, the RM9.5 million paid to Shafee is relevant as he was acting as prosecutor.

Shafee was hired by the government. Therefore, he should be paid by the government and from some private individual’s bank account.

More so, when law minister Nancy Shukry had earlier told Parliament that Shafee was paid a token RM1,000 for his services.

Anonymous 2436471476414726: So, Rafizi’s claim is confirmed true. By extension, the allegation that Shafee was paid RM9.5 million is also true.

Now two questions have emerged:

1) Why did Najib have to make the payment from his own bank account?

2) Why did Law Minister Nancy Shukri inform Parliament that Shafee was only paid RM1,000?

Will Najib care to clarify?

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