YOURSAY ‘Can he explain the attempt to get PI Bala to change his SD?’

Will Najib clear the air on Altantuya murder?

MP: Najib must shed light on Altantuya murder

yrsayambiganajibseriously Basically: Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo is right to ask if any other probe has been conducted in relation to the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder.

Not just the murder, but who released the C4 explosives – this is one case of misconduct. And who erased her immigration records, that’s another case of misconduct.

All these are also crimes. Have they been investigated and anyone charged?

This is no longer a question of the murder case but a matter of public confidence in the police force. Every death caused by our police, from Altantuya to A Kugan, must be explained.

Was these murders caused by mental illness, insanity, blackmail, or just misogyny, was it that they just didn’t like the faces of their victims?

The public must be told, as this reflects the ability of the police to have our confidence. Why was Kugan killed, was it because of his race, or vigilantism … each motive will shed light on the behaviour of the force, and this must be thus corrected.

Mushiro: Fair request, Gobind. Since PM Najib Razak’s household is involved, including his ADC (aide de camp), his two bodyguards, his best friend Abdul Razak Baginda, his Scorpene deal and his Defence Ministry at the time when C4 was available to the murderers, it is only fair that Najib clears the air.

It is not right to let the people speculate.

My Opinion: If Najib and Razak Baginda are innocent and now facing “false” accusations from all quarters, it is obvious they (and having the power to do so) will acquired the “real” motive of killing Altantuya so as to exonerate them.

Their behaviour and reaction to this issue makes the inference even more adverse, implicating them as possible masterminds.

Fairplayer: Will Najib clear the air? Can Najib explain why those two murderers were actually his personal bodyguards?

Can he explain why they were able to access to C4 explosives when he was the defence minister at the time of murder?

Not Convinced: And can Najib explain why there was an attempt by members of his family to allegedly get late private investigator P Balasubramaniam to change his statutory declaration which pointed to his possible involvement in the Altantuya case?

Scholar: Fixation on hudud in Islam wrong

Kim Quek: Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan is in effect saying that PAS’ current obsession with hudud implementation is wrong, and that the ‘welfare state’ platform it pushed prior to GE13 was the correct move.

This view is evident from his saying “Islam in Malaysia is (about) more education, more justice, more freedom and less discrimination. Let us start with what is difficult to tackle.”

On the other hand, he criticised what he called “fixation” on hudud when he said, “Anyone who is now saying Islam in Malaysia (should) start with implementing hudud and punishing (people), does not get it. That is not us (Muslims).”

It would be interesting to know what the PAS’ ulama faction thinks of Tariq’s view. It would certainly be constructive that a dialogue session be held between these two parties of differing view.

After all, rational dialogue in the pursuit for truth is encouraged by Islam, isn’t it?

Proarte: The reason why serious dialogue is not possible in Islam is because even so-called ‘liberals’ like Tariq Ramadan are trying to present their view of Islam as though Islamic theology is monolithic with a ‘right’ interpretation and a ‘wrong’ interpretation.

Islamic texts are replete with contradictions, outrageous actions and ideas which have been swept under the carpet where only a ‘sanitised’ version of Islam is allowed to be discussed.

There is widespread ‘political correctness’ in discussing Islam. As a result the blood-curdling terror, racism, religious bigotry, sexual slavery, subjugation and discrimination which are found in the Quran and Hadiths are conveniently ignored.

The methods of the murderous Islamist terrorists find justification in the Quran and Hadiths and therein lies the problem.

How can the dichotomous morality and blatant contradiction not give rise to negative perceptions of Islam? Are Muslims willing to deal honestly and intellectually with their religion?

HC: The brand of Islam dished out by the Malaysian authorities is about power and control. It’s about projecting political control through the manipulation of religion for the gullible, the poorly informed and the misguided.

??: That’s something more humanistic and practical we hear from a learned Islamic scholar than the usual religious fundamentalists would tend to threaten us with all kinds of nonsense.

Blackknight: The day the Kelantan State Assembly was to debate the hudud bill, floods ravaged the state.

If God really is on their side, why the ominous phenomena? I agree with many other readers that this hudud issue is more about power and control in the name of religion.

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