YOURSAY ‘Real patriots donate money instead of spending such obscene amount.’

Here in M’sia, even ‘patriotism’ can be bought


‘Patriot 1’ plate goes for record RM1.3m

yrsaypatriot Onyourtoes: This is great – spending RM1.38 million to tell the world that you are a patriot. Malaysia has reached new heights. Patriotism can now be bought and sold.

Mr KJ John: What I would like to know is if the cabinet has approved this “allocation of the authority to create a new plate Patriot plate”, who allowed this and under which legal authority?

Only then do I want to know the other questions highlighted byMalaysiakini. Only the Finance Ministry can ‘sell public property belonging to the people of Malaysia’.

Headhunter: It’s just another scam to enrich cronies and supporters of Umno. What idiot would pay so much for just a number plate?

Oh Ya?: In the first place, this group of people was granted the privilege to hijack the Road Transport Department’s (RTD) role under the most mysterious circumstances, and there is no explanation from the ruling elite.

In the second place, how could they be so powerful that they can change the RTD bidding process at their whims and fancies?

Thirdly, why the anonymous bidding? The public has the right to know that the successful bidders are not cronies and worse still, are not paying bribes disguised as bidding for other favours rendered to them.

Apapunboleh: How can it be a loss when Yayasan Patriot Negara Malaysia (YPN) got the registration plate numbers for practically nothing? They just pay RTD RM1 million and the rest goes to YPN.

RCZ: What’s the point of this? This so-called patriot doesn’t even want his name known. For all we know, it could be an institution or company. A patriot is one who fights for his country.

The real patriots are patriots by their actions in fighting for you and me. They are, to name a few, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang who has been fighting for the country for over 30 years, the late Karpal Singh, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim who is now sitting in jail, Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, PJ Utara MP Tony Pua, who both are facing prospects of jail time for revealing corruption in the highest levels.

There’s also PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who steps up when called to lead, Anwar’s children who are carrying on the fight for justice, former Bar president S Ambiga who speaks without fear or favour, activist Marina Mahathir who fights for clean elections, PAS leader Mujahid Rawa who fights for all Malaysians to practice their religion freely, former deputy Mohamad Sabu, the late spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat and many more like them.

So please, buying a number plate for RM1 million does not make you a patriot.

Righteous: Had I bought ‘Patriot 1’ for RM1.3 million, I would think I’d be bringing “seige and insecurity” unto myself, knowing now that someone, somewhere knows I’ve loose change to delve into this registration plate game.

Doc: I assume that opposition politicians will be barred from bidding for the ‘Patriot’ number plates on grounds that they are not patriots. By definition, to be a Malaysian patriot one needs to provide mindless support to the ruling Umno regime.

Speaking Sense: The way ‘patriot’ is defined in this country, I would be ashamed to drive around with such a number plate. Good luck to the winner of the bid.

Hmmmmmmmm: I personally wouldn’t touch this plate with a six-foot pole even if it was given out for free, let alone bid for it. But then to each his own.

The Analyser: This is another measure of how insecure Malaysians are. What sort of person needs to flaunt his/her wealth in such a tasteless and hypocritical manner? Only in Malaysia can you buy patriotism.

CNHT: Malaysia is not ready for these number plates yet.

No matter how nice the car and the number plate, Malaysia as a whole is still many years behind in many areas: our bad driving habits, the low moral standards, lack of racial harmony and the spirit to serve others, just to name a few.

Malaysia is not ready to be a developed country, as the mentality is not there yet.

Rupert16: The real patriots are the ones who dare to speak out and to expose corruption in high places. The real patriots are the ones who dare to stand up to those who stir up racial and religious hatred.

The real patriots are those in power and authority who dare to act and take action against wrongdoers and those committing crime regardless of political affiliation.

Well, as for those who are willing and dare to pay through their nose for a car number plate to show off their patriotism, ask yourself this question: “Can patriotism be bought?”

Real patriots would have donated the money to charitable organisations instead of spending such an obscene amount to buy a number plate just to show off.

Doc: How about ‘I Love PM 1’ number plates next?

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