YOURSAY ‘Have they forgotten they are trustees for taxpayers’ monies?’

Cabinet cannot evade culpability on 1MDB

 yrsaycabinetyoursay-EnglishAnonymous#007: The cabinet members seem to forget they are there as trustees for taxpayers’ monies, and to ensure public funds are spent efficiently.  The fact that numerous allegations have surfaced and the wishy-washy stand of the cabinet indicates they have not been doing their job.As it is, the cabinet, in allowing Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak or any minister to hold more than one ministerial post or portfolio, has already breached one of the golden rules of anti-corruption measures.

And now, allowing 1MDB to reach this scale of burden on the taxpayers, amid allegations of shady deals and payments, implies that the cabinet members have failed in their one major responsibility.

A cabinet member simply saying he is “not on the same page” is not enough to absolve him of the responsibility or being an accessory for approving this venture.

The rakyat hold the cabinet ministers and Umno-BN liable for any and all debt arising from this scandal.

Louis: It is heartening that there are some ministers who have brains. It is foolhardy to support Najib without sparing a thought of catastrophic consequences on our economy brought about by the collapse of 1MDB.

There are enough signs indicating 1MDB financial woes. First, it was the change of auditing firms. Which accounting firm would reject such a lucrative job?

Then there was the postponement of payment of debts.

Based on these facts, if Najib still says 1MDB is still fine, he is failing his duty to millions of Malaysians. It’s time for him to call a spade, a spade.

Firestone: So the 1MDB CEO briefed the cabinet about its activities from the date he joined and Najib said cabinet members find 1MDB is okay? Hmmmm…

Hplooi: We should hold the new CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy to standards of fiduciary trust, failing which he should also be held liable for any criminal charges.

Fiduciary trust includes being fully honest, not just being economically honest. I am sure Arul will understand what I mean. I hope Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli and all interested Malaysians will make this very clear to Arul.

Ipohcrite: Cheras Umno division chief Syed Ali Alhabshee said Najib assured those present that if someone was found to have committed any wrongdoing with regard to 1MDB following the audit, action would be taken.

But Najib is the same prime minister who has no qualms about breaking his own promise, like not repealing the Sedition Act although he had announced his intention to the entire world.

So who is Syed Ali to give assurances to anybody, and what makes him think he carries any credibility in Umno when the party president himself has a credibility issue?

Anonymous_4031c: Syed Ali also called on 1MDB’s board of directors to be more “responsible and responsive” to the allegations.

What do you think the likes of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin, opposition leaders Tony Pua and Rafizi and the majority of Malaysians have been doing all this while?

Just because Syed Ali said it makes it weightier and different?

Maplesyrup: Say what you want, but if the meeting was with the Umno chief and the prime minister of Malaysia, I wonder what good reasons those 31 division heads had for skipping the meeting?

If it was not a boycott, then what was it?

Versey: Where’s the backdoor minister, Senator Paul Low, the ex-president of Transparency International Malaysia? Why has he been so quiet lately? What’s his stand on 1MDB?

Yaa Lorrrr: It is clear that the attacks directed at 1MDB are politically motivated. These are deliberately coordinated attempts to undermine the company by spreading unsubstantiated allegations and speculation, which in turn could potentially harm the economy.

Desperate for Change: In most codes of conduct in private companies, you will have a clause that states that when you do something which has the “appearance” of something wrong, you should avoid doing it even if it only appears wrong in the eyes of a third party.

I am sure audit firm Deloitte, being such a big company, will have a code of conduct. Reading this news report makes me feel that the Deloitte audit could seem to be giving the rakyat a false picture.

Shanandoah: Within 90 minutes, they understood what 1MDB is all about and gave Najib the ‘thumbs up’ for being so brilliant in illuminating the minds of the Umno Baru division representatives.

So what’s the problem now, Pua and Rafizi?

Hmmmmmmmm: So does that mean that they are confident enough to allow us to appoint an external auditor of our choice to look into the books? I guess not.

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