YOURSAY ‘You’re not alone. We’re with you, though for a different reason.’

53pct M’sians ready to walk with Dr M if only…


I know I’m alone, says Mahathiryrsaym Legit: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I hope now you understand the frustrations Malaysians at large went through during your dictatorial-like reign.It is time for you to repent and undo the wrongs you did to many people and the destruction you caused to many of the country’s institutions.

It is also time for you to repent for the injustice you did to former DPM Anwar Ibrahim, the judges, the opposition and many others. Repent while you can before you kick the basket.

If you are genuine about caring for the people, do what is right to get rid of this corrupted Umno and BN government.

Make a pact with the opposition and help install a government that can put this country back on track. Surrender all your and your cronies’ ill-gotten gains and give it back to the people.

If you are prepared to do all these, more than 53% of Malaysians will walk with you. If you are only interested in protecting your and your cronies’ interests, then Malaysians do not need you and you will go to your grave a lonely man.

Ferdtan: Mahathir, you are not alone. We are with you, though for a different reason. To remove PM Najib Razak and replace him with another Umno leader only symptomatically treats the damaging disease that is now afflicting the whole country.

We want more. We want the whole system to change. The police, anti-corruption agencies, Attorney-General’s Chambers, Customs, Immigration, Election Commission, the judiciary and the civil service – all will have to be revamped before any meaningful changes can be made.

We believe no new Umno PM can take up that challenge as he or she carries a lot of baggage.

There is only one person in Umno who carries no or little baggage. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has retired from the cabinet long ago. He is 78 years old and he can act as a transitional PM for one term.

He has no children in politics so he will not abuse his position to further his family’s interest. He can be a statesman for the country.

Thus he will not be distracted by all these self-serving interests (due to his advance age and no family successor) and will hopefully carry out real reforms.

Anonymous$&@?: This is a case of too little too late for Dr M or is he trying to save his own skin.

It must be God’s grace to let him live a long life so that he can see the destruction of Umno during his lifetime. Why? Because he was the one who started the rot in all government agencies, including the judiciary.

The suppression of rakyat’s voice, racial disharmony, the rise of crony Umnoputras, the disparity of wealth between the Umnoputras and the rakyat to name a few, was all initiated by this great man.

PM Najib Razak is just continuing the work that Dr M has done previously.

CQ Muar: All said and done, there is no way Mahathir would consider quitting Umno. Given his son’s position as MB of Kedah, it would be suicidal for his political future.

No one can dispute the tyrannical way the present regime has wielded its power. Undoubtedly, the only hope to retrieve and restore this country to the path of righteousness, democracy, justice and sanity is to vote them out come the next general election.

Anonymous #83834503: For all we have endured during TDM’s term as PM, we also relish the fact that he was instrumental in putting Malaysia on the global map.

What do we have to show now? For me, Mahathir does not walk alone. Give him credit, he has done more for this country than anyone else.

JD Lovrenciear: Mahathir, leaving aside some of the many things we did not agree with you in the past, we also know when you sincerely express concern for Malaysia and Malaysians.

And for as long as you will raise your voice on behalf of us who also share a love for the nation – more than the ‘I love you’ for certain individuals – please know that you are not alone.

SusahKes: Let’s not be blind as to what the patron of Perkasa is all about – he will become what it takes is necessary to get his agenda going.

After all, he did kind of let the cat out the bag when he stated that he was concerned about the number of BN politicians that would be jailed if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power.

On the Streets: Mahathir, tell the truth about everything and you’ll save yourself – about the judiciary, about Anwar and everything else, so that you can free this nation you have condemned by your actions.

Please, Sir, do the right thing and I promise you will never be alone. Atone now before it is too late.

Worldly Wise: Wise old men speak only when they are asked to speak. If Mahathir want to be good, that is good.

But it is not enough to be partly good. We must all strive to be wholly good.

Dr M faces dilemma in his twilight years

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