YOURSAY | ‘Sirul, weren’t you taught that to kill a defenceless woman is also a big sin?’

When a convicted killer serves as character witness for PM


Najib not involved in Altantuya murder, says Sirul

yrsaysirul FairMind: “It is a big sin if I were to slander a person and I state here… in God’s name… the most honourable Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was never involved and had no links to the case,” said convicted murderer Sirul Azhar Umar.

I almost fell down from my chair reading that. This guy is mocking Allah by first swearing to endorse Najib as “the most honourable PM”. This man has never repented, nor once apologised to Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu’s family for his hideous crime. And here he is, feeling sorry for Najib?

Secondly, he seems so worried for his crime in slandering, yet does not care two hoots about blowing up an innocent woman into bits. All my sympathy for this man has evaporated after reading his three sworn statements.

He has not shown any remorse, but instead made a mockery of God and Malaysians. He does not even have an inch of humanity in him.

I don’t know whether former police commando Sirul realises it or not, but the group which is supposedly helping him in preparing these statements is sending him quicker to hell.

WDA: The body language, his fidgeting thumbs and his restless legs, is surely not a picture of sincerity and confidence. Most importantly, this guy is saying that he doesn’t slander anyone because it is wrong.

However, it seems okay for him to shoot a helpless lady and then blow her up to smithereens. He seems to be trying to convince others and himself that he is less of a devil for committing murder of a lady who, in his mind, was not expecting.

Sirul is also a coward for running away and not having the courage to face death although he himself executed another. This guy mercilessly killed someone he didn’t know for allegedly a few thousand dollars.

Wouldn’t it be peanuts for him to read from a prepared script for a little bit more? It is pathetic that Najib is in such a situation that he has to rely on character witnesses such as Sirul.

Kingfisher: If this is a recent photo shot of the convicted Sirul, then all good esteem is due to the Australian correctional authorities for their humane conduct as he seems well fed and in good health.

One cannot imagine his state of health if he had been held in some notoriously inept detention centre elsewhere. He seems to think, one gets an impression from his recent statements that there is hope in him for a diminution of the severity of the crime he is convicted of.

Many would feel some compassion for him if he comes out with the whole truth to his personal involvement (what was the motive and under whose instruction and what was promised, if any, for taking the drastic measure) never mind about pregnancy of the victim nor any suspicion of the complicity of Najib.

Versey: Sirul, you said you were never taught to slander a person because it’s a big sin, weren’t you taught that to kill a person, a defenceless woman, is also a big sin?

The fact that you have been evading and never dare to answer the crucial questions: who gave you the order to kill “that woman” and subsequently blew her into smithereens, neither did you dare to disclose how and from whom did you manage to get the military explosive (C4), itself leads the thinking public to more imagination/suspicion that you and the person(s) who arranged you to appear in this series of videos are very keen in attempting to protect that very “person” who gave the order to kill “that woman”.

So, Sirul, you better stop repeating the same message of who is not involved in “that woman’s murder”. Just answer the above mentioned crucial questions, if indeed you wish to exonerate the premier.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Yes, explain your motive to kill her. Sirul has zero credibility and since he is a convicted killer he ought to go to the gallows.

Why is the attorney-general sitting on the extradition request to Australia? Sirul and his high-flying team of lawyers cannot have the cake and eat it too.

Hplooi: Of course, Najib did not “technically” commit the murder, Sirul. He was not at the scene anyway.

But who gave you the order to execute the murder? Under whose instructions did you carry out the deed? Note: At the Nuremberg trials, following orders is no excuse.

Note, too, that the person giving the order is just as culpable of first degree murder as the person carrying out the said order.

In law, a junior officer is duty bound not to obey orders which are criminal and illegal. A junior officer can arrest their superior officer, if it is clear that their superior is wilfully endangering their life or violating legal laws of the land.

Doc: Sadly, when I watch BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, YouTube, etc, quite a lot of the atrocities committed in the world today – beheadings, bombings, kidnappings of minors, heinous ways of killing fellow humans too sick to comprehend, point-blank massacring and torture – are all done in Allah’s name. It is no different here in Malaysia.

When former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s ex-aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan had framed Anwar for sodomy, he too swore in Allah’s name that the crime was real – in spite of the overwhelming evidence stacked up against him.

Our Umno politicians do similar types of swearing in Allah’s name when they are caught red-handed indulging in corrupt activities.

So, the quality and credibility of Sirul swearing in God’s name that Najib was neither involved nor linked to the murder of Altantuya is poor.

ScandalCountry: It is rather too late, Sirul. In law, this would be called an afterthought.

Awang Top: A cold-blooded killer who tried to convince people that he believes in God and practice his religion. Only your kind will believe what you said.



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