YOURSAY | ‘I’d say ‘yes’ and admit Malaysians are all cowards, Mat Sabu.’

Elsewhere, they would’ve stormed Parliament with pitchforks


‘Najib remains in power because M’sians are cowards’

saudi miAnonymous_1371515574: The problem with us Malaysians is that we are too timid to rise up against those in power. Yes, we attend rallies, raise banners and shout. But we are not willing to risk it all.

I don’t judge you because I am the same and I’ve decided to just leave the country. I was reading this property investment blog from Australia that was emailed to me the other day and it’s funny what this guy said. I just copy and paste it here.

“The Malaysian prime minister was recently cleared of wrongdoing after being gifted US$681 million into his personal bank account by the Saudi government. He was cleared by the attorney-general because it was ‘personal donation’, and it’s apparently it’s nobody’s business what he was given the money for.

“Imagine, if Malcolm Turnbull or Bill Shorten received that amount of money as a personal donation from another country. We’d be storming Parliament House with pitchforks! Their political career would be over. Yet this guy’s staying on…”

Kingfisher: Amanah leader Mat Sabu laments as an opposition politician that there is insufficient moral outrage from the public to effectively persuade Najib to relinquish his position or even remove him considering the serious allegations of corruption and abuses of power. The stalemate in present circumstances begs the question “why? why?”

And it is not the lack of courage of the people as he implies. Neither is it due to the absence of moral and spiritual benchmarks for protecting and promoting good governance. Note that Malaysia is ‘host’ to most of the major religious faiths in the universe.

There can be a number of reasons for a society’s failure to be judgemental about wrongdoings. There is much speculation that it is perhaps rooted in the polarity of communal politics.

Yet others fault the evolution of this young nation into having enabled a political leadership devoid of fundamental ethics to protect and promote the welfare of ordinary citizens. Some say that perhaps democracy here is flawed.

Odin Tajué: Mat Sabu, the only way it may be possible for you to oust PM Najib Razak is to take the meaning of your exhortation – that is, rise up – literally. And it is to execute an uprising. Any other way will produce no desired result. That is obvious by now.

You really don’t need to have studied the art of warfare at institutions such as Sandhurst and West Point to know what executing an uprising entails. You need a leader who is brave, credible and admired by very many. The very many would be his supporters in the act to oust the target.

Such a leader initiates a sort of blitzkrieg. To put things in a simple way, he says, “O you people who have been taken for fools, who have been lied to and deceived every single day, who have been leeched right out of your cooking pots and underwear, come join me right now – and … I … mean … right … now … damn … it! – at the Independence Ring.

From there we will march to the emperor’s palace, tear down the front gates, rush into the palace, and ‘défenestrer’ (throw out the window) all the blobs of blubber that have been gorging on what little fat we have in our bodies. I am here waiting for you! Co-m-m-m-m-e-e-e n-o-w-w-w-w!”

And within seconds, hordes of skinny, malnourished humans totally willing to lose blood, limbs and life rush to the Independence Ring to join the leader.

Is there such a leader? Good heavens, no. There isn’t even a leader to speak of. Are there Malaysians brave enough and willing to lose their blood, limbs and life? No.

They are only brave in front of their computer, and venting steam at those coffee shops and roti canai stalls. Sorry, old chap, but you are wasting your time and energy.

CQ Muar: I’d say “yes” and admit Malaysians are all cowards, Mat Sabu. Many will swear their hearts out about Najib’s wrongdoings, lies, dictatorship, cruelty, mismanagement, theft, etc, but will “chicken-out” when ask to make a stand.

They’d rather others will get the job done, while they cheer them on as spectators. They’d swear at Najib, but unwilling to contribute as a force to get the job done.

This is understandable, as in the case of those Umno dogs who would not dare to speak up, for reasons known to them, and after being a beneficiary of the RM2.6 billion.

Apart from those lackeys, surely others have no valid excuse to bring this loathsome and despicable leader down and save this country from such a tyranny. Let’s hope Mat Sabu’s message get across to a wider spectrum of the population this time around.

Kangkung: You cannot fight a person who has RM2.6 billion in his account for he can buy anything or anyone.

And with a country where there is not a single independent public institution and with the courts/judges under Najib’s thumb, Najib will be in power for eternity.

RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Honestly, the brave ones must come from the Malays. They are the ones who hold the power to appoint or remove the leaders, especially the PM. Their views are taken more seriously.

We can no longer count on Umno Malays to do the right act. The problem is most Malays are indifferent to the issue. We can’t blame the simple folks in rural areas – the elites, who are very much aware of the problems also prefer to remain on sidelines.

The people need more of these elites to come forward to register their displeasure with Najib’s behaviour. If this problem is allowed to persist, our economy going downward is a strong possibility.

What happens to the Philippines and Indonesia can happen to us. We would then be exporting Malaysian maids and cheap labourers, this time to those two countries. Speak up bravely now, before this happens to your children.

Shovelnose: I agree with Mat Sabu. It’s always someone else’s job to dethrone the most hated PM, someone else’s job to dig up and throw mud at the biggest embezzlement in world’s history, turn up for protest rallies only if a big enough crowd potentially showing up and not making any effort in follow-ups, pay lip service to the uproar at the rising cost of living and then resign themselves to living life, absorbing the very cause of the uproar in the first place.

Each and every one has jobs and schools to go back to, for now. Many deserve what’s coming, sorry to say the least.

Single Malt: The country is having the most hated PM. Yet he is thriving and laughing all the way to the banks to collect the funds from unknown depositors. Wonderful, isn’t it?

Mat Sabu, the answer lies in the stomach of M’sians



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