YOURSAY ‘I strongly advise Pakatan Harapan to dissolve the coalition. You people keep going against one another.’

Opposition can’t be on same page, how to take Putrajaya?


Azmin: PKR will defend Penang state reps who lost directorships

yrsaydissolveBasically: Let’s get to the key point here. According to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, the PKR representatives had met with him to voice their opinions but acted differently at the assembly.

So unless the CM is lying, the fundamental issue here is not about differing opinions or ‘conscience’ but about the opposition coalition showing it is on the same page and able to work out matters among themselves.

So what’s the real point for all this grandstanding? It really does little to garner sympathy for PKR as a trustworthy opposition partner.

Rational Tian Chua: When there are differences in opinions, discuss them first. Why wasn’t this done before abstaining?

NNFC: The people are fighting hard to support the opposition to take over Putrajaya. We wish for cooperation anong the component parties, not this kind of thing, please.

Roguekiller: PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, don’t pamper your members. You could have felt the wind about your five PKR turncoats who did not act as team players with DAP. What actions have you taken? Did you discuss with DAP, did you question the five?

Your whip Johari Abdul had openly vouched for their actions, confirming they had acted appropriately as per their conscience.

But is PKR part of the Pakatan Harapan team or is it on its own? Can you envisage how DAP felt at that point in time? A thorn was stuck in each of their hearts. That’s why, with you and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail leading, PKR is in complete shambles.

I am a Selangorian, I made a complaint about grass cutting and drains cleaning in my area to the Majlis Perbandaran Klang and copied to your office. Your office acknowledged my complaint and promised to look into the matter.

Did you or your staff do anything? The problems still persists. You are a fool to offer lip service; you are actually not fit to be MB; the former MB though bad, was far better than you.

HaveAGreatDay: As chief minister of Penang, Guan Eng can and should indeed terminate the directorships of whoever he has lost confidence in – after all, these are the spoils of the political battles. But he seems to have forgotten that PKR is also part of the team that won Penang in GE13.

By all accounts, the termination of the directorships of these two state representatives by Guan Eng is that he is being the vindictive autocrat his critics have accused him to be.

Anonyxyz: Until today, the five PKR abstainers have not revealed from which higher PKR leadership they received the instruction to abstain. Surely Tian Chua and Azmin owe an explanation.

DAP practises collective responsibility and supported Wan Azizah for Selangor MB when PAS objected. They did not abstain. Anyway Azmin has his position thanks to PAS. DAP should not trust those five PKR members as they are proven backstabbers.

Jaguh: Azmin, Guan Eng does things for a reason. Find out the reasons before sounding so gung-ho and be embarrassed later. This is what a partnership among parties requires.

Kheng: Azmin, you govern Selangor. Please leave Penang alone. In the corporate sector, if an executive failed to go along with the executive direction, he is no longer deemed as a team player.

A man of principle would resign voluntarily from all his positions. Please stay out of Penang’s administrative matters. After all, isn’t PKR still a component party of Harapan? Please do not use the excuse of fighting for the people’s interest, Azmin, to defend your laggards.

Rick Teo: PKR cannot have their cake and eat it too. They have to abide by the rules of the game by adhering to Pakatan’s decision. Once a decision is made they have to vote en bloc.

They cannot independently choose to vote on their own volition. They must unite and make a stand. If they cannot do this then they do not deserve to be rewarded by being appointed directors.

Maplesyrup: This is the fellow sitting on his throne thanks to votes from DAP state representatives. Yet he is siding with PAS. Now he is siding with the PKR duo. With allies like this, who needs Umno?

The Mask: I strongly advise Pakatan Harapan to dissolve the coalition. You people keep going against one another – how are you to take over Putrajaya?

Azmin, you should learn from Najib. Those who go against the leader (Pakatan Harapan manifesto) need to be removed from their posts or sacked. Ask yourself, why did PKR sack former Selangor MB Abdul Khalid Ibrahim? Didn’t he go against the party policy?

So why the double standards?

Onyourtoes: DAP is not MCA or Gerakan, so the earlier Azmin gets this right, the better. What explanation or defence do you need from DAP? Can you explain to DAP first why PAS is still in the Selangor state government? Look, there is no Pakatan and there is no Harapan. Get real.

Hamzah Paiman I don’t think Azmin can be an MB the next round. His actions are proving inconsistent. He is no more the opposition’s mouthpiece. He may end up on PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s side.

So be cautious if you want to support him in future. PKR vice-presidents Rafizi Ramli or Nurul Izzah Anwar are better than this guy.

Anonymous #03815719: Azmin, be a true leader and face facts – your two broke ranks and voted with Umno. Would you tolerate this if it happened in your government?

The Analyser: The great irony of all this ‘team player’ garbage that you all seem to think is so important in a democracy, is that in fact there is nothing to hold this team together. No common philosophy, no direction, no vision, no clearly defined policies or strategies.

So your wonderful ‘team’ is wide open to be manipulated by the ‘great leader’ who will demand that the team collude on even his most outlandish ill thought out notions. Umno with Chinese faces.

The sooner Pakatan Harapan tears itself apart and disappears into oblivion, the better off the whole of Malaysia will be. I would go so far as to suggest that getting rid of the idiotically ineffective opposition is more important than getting rid of Najib. At least with the fools out of the way, the road will be clear to a proper future for Malaysia.

Anonymous 2287241438070669: We will return our votes to BN when it comes to a PKR candidate.

Powerstar: Time to support a honest party like the Parti Sosialis Malaysia, whose members don’t look for directorships to serve the people.

Southpaw: Azmin, if PKR wishes to be the ‘taikoh’ of Pakatan Harapan, then ask your elected representatives to act responsibly and be disciplined.

Anonymous_1371547149: Azmin, if your representatives do not want to be team players but independent players, then they cannot be in the Penang government.

Ask them to stand as independents in the next election and Penang will give them no votes.



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