Rowdy mob attacked ABU / Hindraf ceramah!

The inaugural HINDRAF and ABU forum planned at Dewan Orang Ramai MBSA, titled “Tamatkan Rejim UMNO/BN” was violently disrupted by a gang of youths on motorcycles.

The event started at 9.20 pm, and within minutes of the speakers taking their seats on stage, a group of Samseng Jalanan rode their motorcycles into the venue, with horns blaring in an attempt to disrupt the proceedings.

The crowd and the speakers on stage calmly ignored the disruption, which was a signal for the leader of the mat rempits to step off his motorcycle and escalate the situation by calling for any Malays in attendance to leave the hall immediately. Having succeeded in getting a few of the attendees to leave the hall, the mat rempits then began kicking and pushing over the publicity material and tables placed at the entrance to the hall.

This made some of the crowd restless, and prompted the mat rempit leader to ask the crowd to ‘berambus’. Things took an ugly turn when another mat rempit then rode his motorcycle right into the seating area, making those seated there scramble for safety. The men in the crowd walked up to the mat rempits and asked them to leave, and the shoving began between the two groups. Things went spiraling out of control with blows being traded, and one of the attendees who found himself in a running fight with the mat rempits outside the hall was knocked senseless, and had to be rushed off to the hospital.

The organisers then decided to call off the forum, as it became apparent that the mat rempits were under orders to do anything and everything to stop the forum from going on, and

The police arrived at the scene about 10 minutes after the mat rempits rode off.

This is a sign that HINDRAF and ABU are doing the right thing. HINDRAF Makkal Sakthi are no strangers to intimidation by the police and other uniformed personnel at indoor forums and events that they organise.

But today is the first time, the Umno/BN regime has chosen to use youths, some of whom look like they are in their teens, to threaten and harm their fellow citizens who are engaged in a legitimate expression of their right to free speech and assembly.

Hindraf Makkal Sakthi will not be cowed by today’s brazen attempt by UMNO/BN to intimidate those that have the courage to speak out against their regime. Hindraf Makkal Sakthi will continue to hold forums around the country together with ABU, and educate the citizens that the time for change is nigh.

N. Ganesan
National Advisor Hindraf Makkal Sakthi